Scenes of Georgia By Day Leigh Story
Virginia Creeper Scientific name is Parthenocisus quinquefolia It is a vine It produces fruit in the fall Has 5 leaves
Flowering Dogwood Scientific name is Cornus Florida Produces red fruit in the fall Grows best underneath trees
Eastern Red Cedar Scientific name is Juniperus Virginiana Looks like a Christmas tree Native to Georgia
Water Oak Scientific name is Quercus nigra Little acorns Club shaped leaves
Southern Magnolia The scientific name is Magnolia grandiflora It has white creamy blooms in the summer In fall they are dark green They have seed pods located in fruits that look like pinecones
French Mulberry Scientific name is Callicarpa americana Native to Georgia It’s a small bush It produces purple fruit in the fall
Black Cherry Scientific name is Prunus serotina Small trees It produces small little cherry fruits
Sassafrass Scientific name is Sassafras albidum The leaves are shaped like turkeys feet People use to make tea from the leaves
Sweet Gum Scientific name is Liquidambar styraciflua Star shaped leaves Makes burrpods
Pecan Tree (Stewart) Scientific name is Carya illinoinensis Puts on nuts called pecans
Loblolly Pine Scientific name Pinus taeda Plate like bark Medium pine cones
Mimosa Scientific name is Albizia julibrissin Pink like flowers all summer
Cow itch vine (Trumpet Creeper) Scientific name is Campsis radicans Orange / red trumpet flowers
Chinaberry Tree Scientific name is Melia azedarach Small green and yellow berries
Hackberry or Sugarberry Tree Scientific name is Celtis occidentalis
Persimmon Tree Scientific name is Diospyros virginiana Small orange fruit in the fall
Post Oak Scientific name is Quercus stellata Cross shaped leaves
Southern Red Oak Scientific name is Quercus falcata
Morning Glory Scientific name is Ipomoea nil Has purple flowers