Maastricht University of Arts and Culture (MUAC) Introduction Programme 2014
About Maastricht
Choose 5 heritage sites Create a path connecting them Take snapshots of the group along the way Jot down a few comments at each stop Listen to the Guru Try Dutch Habits Hug random Dutch people Take pictures of strange/impressi ve sights #MUAC
Rules of the game The quickest group wins the prize Motorbikes, Cars and Scooters are not allowed BBQ starts at 18:00; Bring the food; don’t get lost!
#MUAC List of Activities Group Photos Monuments’ Photos Vine your Hug! Eat n Greet Prize distribution
The MAAPS app is a cool app that collects your photos from Instagram and Vine with the #MUAC and combines them into one photostream.
Makes up a list of restaurants that teams visit and build up a menu with ratings of the food!
What’s in it for: Coaches Easy to track student position Safe way of exploration Challenge to students helps them to bond better Encourages dependence and trust in team
Tracking Student teams in Real-time!
What’s in it for: Participants Its fun Save and share experience Everybody gets barbecue Get to try free food and drinks Make friends Learn about each other’s culture and language Pass legacy to next year students
What’s in it for: Sponsors Shop comes on student map Attracts new students looking for familiar food Happy new customers = regular customers
Let’s be practical here! Why an app? Why an app? How will it benefit future students? How will it benefit future students? Is it possible to make it? Is it possible to make it?