the Caring for the Moraine project Norm Wagenaar, Landowner Contact Specialist Ganaraska Hills Area Contact – (905) or Website –
Who are the organizations working together on the Moraine?
Caring for the Moraine Project: Ganaraska Hills Area Letters to more than 1,000 landowners 100 site visits Referrals to partners resulting in: Tree planting projects (25 hectares) Riparian projects (1200 metres) Tallgrass prairie projects (Eight hectares) Securement through donations (40 hectares) Woodlot management consultation
Caring for the Moraine Project: Ganaraska Hills Area Workshops Tree planting Woodlot management Invasive species Rare species The ORM and real estate Rural Landowner Stewardship Guide Attendance: more than 250 Press Farm and Rural Life Watershed Northumberland News CHEX Television
Large Woodlands Conservation Cooperative: A model partnership
Tree planting: Long Sault
Woodlot management: Kendal
Woodlot workshop: Kendal
Invasive species: Orono Crown Lands
Advantages of partnerships Ability to focus existing resources Reduce redundancy Provide additional expertise, funding Benefits landowners on and off the moraine More bodies doing stewardship work Examples Mailed Ontario Stewardship newsletters to more than 1100 Ganaraska landowners Did legwork for major land donation to a conservation authority partner Coordination, cooperation among partners
Challenges Make inroads among farm landowners Develop ‘moraine community’ Maintain momentum, continuity Find a solution for dog strangling vine! Thank you!