The environment Smoke Toxic waste landfill Oil spill humo Residuos tóxicos vertedero Fuga de petróleo
Litter Exhaust fumes basura Gases de escape Deforestation Global warming Calentamiento global
Match the words to their meanings deforestation global warming toxic waste exhaust fumes landfill a place for rubbish cutting down many trees smoke from cars poisonous rubbish increase in the Earth’s temperature
pollutants recycle smoke toxic waste environmentally-friendly exhaust fumes renewable energy global warming conservation Circle the words which are “positive” for the environment. Underline the words which are “negative” for the environment. Choose the correct answer. 1. Thousands of fish and water birds died as a result of the oil spill / landfill. 2. We should buy cars that use less petrol / smoke. 3. Many people are trying hard to put an end to global warming / environmentally-friendly 4. Every family can try to reduce the amount of rubbish / smoke that they throw out. 5. We show that we care about / harm our environment by recycling. 6. Some farmers use chemicals / landfills to make fruit grow bigger. 7. By using recycled paper, we can help prevent deforestation / pollutants. 8. Pollution combined with toxic waste could lead to ecological disaster / conservation
FUTURE PRESENT SIMPLE Para acontecimientos en el futuro de los que conocemos horario. The concert starts at 7:00 p.m.
PRESENT CONTINUOUS Para hablar de algo que ya ha sido organizado, y que va a ocurrir con certeza. (A menudo se menciona “cuando” o “donde”). (En español solemos usar el presente de indicativo) I´m having dinner with my boyfriend tonight (Esta noche ceno con mi novio) No expresa una intención, como be going to, sino algo que ha sido programado con antelación y que va a pasar con seguridad. He is going to sign a contract next month ( Él va a firmar un contrato mañana) He is signing a contract tomorrow ( Él firma / firmará el contrato mañana)
TO BE GOING TO + INFINITIVO ( Futuro de intención) Para hablar de nuestras intenciones, planes cercanos, o preguntar a otros lo que han pensado hacer en un futuro próximo. Next week I´m going to celebrate my birthday. What are you going to do tomorrow morning? Para hacer predicciones basadas en una evidencia en el momento en que hablamos. Listen to the wind. It´s going to be a storm.
FUTURO SIMPLE ( WILL ) Will + forma base del verbo I will study I ´ ll study + I will not study I won´t study - ? Will you study? Para expresar decisiones espontáneas en el momento en que hablamos (ofrecimientos, peticiones, promesas, advertencias, amenazas..) I think you´ll learn this very quickly The window is open. Don´t worry I´ll close it Para hacer predicciones basadas en nuestra opinión. He´ll probably go to Australia this summer He won´t come.
FUTURE CONTINUOUS Will be + V-ing I will be studying I won´t be studying Will I be studying? Para expresar lo que estará ocurriendo en un momento determinado del futuro At this time tomorrow, I will be travelling to Manchester TIME EXPRESSIONS At this time tomorrow / next… On Thursday, In the next year… + - ?
FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE will have + -ed 3ª col I/you/ she/ they will have eaten I/you/ she/ they won´t have eaten Will I/you/ she/ they have eaten ? Para indicar que una acción habrá terminado en un momento concreto del futuro. I will have eaten by three o´clock TIME EXPRESSIONS By this time next week… By 3 o´clock By the end of July By then By August In 4 months… + - ?
1. A: What would you like to drink? B: I think I ……………………(have) a cola. 2. A: I’ve decided to buy a motorbike. B: Oh? What kind …………you …………………… ( buy)? 3. A: I need someone to take me to the train station tomorrow morning. B: No problem. I …………………… (take) you. 4.A: Do you want to go out tonight? B: No, I ……………………………… (play) bridge with my family. 5. A: You should see that film. It’s fantastic. B: Actually, Dan and I …………………………… (see) it at the weekend. 6. A: Ann is such a talented singer. B: I’m sure she ………………… (be) famous one day. Complete the mini-dialogues with the words in brackets. Use the Future Simple or be going to. will have aregoing to buy will take am going to play are going to see will be
From: Roberta To: Jill Dear Jill, How are you? I haven’t heard from you for a while. By the time you read this, I (1) ……………………………… (finish) my final exams and will be enjoying the summer holidays. Have you already decided what you (2) ……………………………… (do) this summer? In your last you wrote about working during the summer holidays. Are you sure that by mid-summer you (3) ……………………………… (not complain) about being stuck in the hot city? I’ve got another idea. My family (4) ……………………………… (spend) a few weeks at our seaside cottage in August. I’d love you to join us. In a few minutes, I (5) ……………………………… (leave) for school. I hope that by the time I get home, I (6) ……………………………… (receive) a positive reply from you! Love, Roberta Complete the with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Perfect or Future Continuous. will have finished will be doing won’t be complaining will be spending will be leaving will have received
1. A:Look at the clouds! It looks like it ……………………………… (rain). B:I hope we ……………………………… (not get) wet! 2. A:Meet me at 7 o’clock. I ……………………………… (wait) outside the cinema. B:By 7 o’clock, I ……………………………… (not finish) helping my dad. Let’s meet at A:……………… you ……………………… (go) on holiday soon? B:At this time next month, we ……………………………… (travel) in Italy. 4. A:When ……………… Dan ……………………… (come) home? B:He ……………… probably ……………………… (arrive) home in half an hour. 5. A:By next Tuesday, I ……………………………… (complete) all my exams. B: Good! I ……………………………… (book) a table in a restaurant to celebrate! Complete the conversations with the verbs in brackets. Use be going to, the Future Simple, Future Continuous or Future Perfect Simple. is going to rain won’t get will be waiting won’t have finished going to go Are will be travelling isgoing to come will arrive will have completed will book
The problem of global warming (1) ……………………… (not disappear) completely, but hopefully the process (2) ……………………… (slow) down if people take more responsibility. John Gardner from Greenpeace talks to groups of people. He hopes he (3) ……………………… (convince) them to care more about their environment. This evening, he (4) ……………………… (give) a talk to a group of zoology students. He (5) ……………………… (focus) on the effect of global warming on wildlife and he (6) ……………………… (talk) about polar bears, an endangered species. Polar bears live on ice, and global warming is causing more and more of the ice to melt and disappear. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Simple, be going to, the Future Perfect Simple, the Future Continuous or the Present Continuous. There may be more than one correct answer..won’t disappear will slow will convince will be giving / is going to give / is giving will be focusing / is going to focus / is focusing will be talking / is going to talk / is talking
It’s difficult to assess how many polar bears (7) ……………………… (exist) in the world 50 years from now. Some experts say that by 2050, two thirds of the world’s polar bears (8) ……………………… (disappear). Others claim the number (9) ……………………… (drop) by 30%. All agree that as the world gets warmer, it (10) ……………………… (become) harder and harder for the polar bears to survive. will exist will have disappeared will have dropped will become / is becoming