P.A.C.E. Promoting Accelerated College Entry
P.A.C.E. What is PACE? PACE is a way for students at Scio High School to earn college credits while completing their high school diploma.
P.A.C.E. How do students qualify for PACE? – Students must have a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0 or better. – Students must pass all of the state tests and have all their work samples completed. – Students must complete all of the Mentor/Mentee requirements. Including their Senior Project.
P.A.C.E. College classes are more difficult than high school classes which could effect the students G.P.A. This may cause a student to lose their honors diploma, valedictorian and salutatorian honors.
P.A.C.E. Application The application is a quick and to the point process. It clearly informs the applicant of what is offered and required of them. The PACE application can be found online on the Scio High School website. – Click on PACE – Click on Parents – Click on Application
P.A.C.E. What are the benefits of PACE? – College credits received while still in high school. – Understanding of how college works i.e. Credits, Classes, Times ect…. – Save money.
P.A.C.E. What are the downsides of being in PACE. – School activities. – Lack of social interactions with friends. – Increase work load and study time. – Miss out on the High School experience.
P.A.C.E. If I am in P.A.C.E. should I take the SAT and or ACT tests? – YES
P.A.C.E. Transportation – Scio School District provides transportation to the Linn-Benton campus in Albany. – The van leaves at 8:05 a.m. and returns at 1:00 p.m. – Students that use Scio School District transportation will be considered part time PACE students.
P.A.C.E. What is the difference between full time and part time Pace Students? – Full time PACE students will be at the college full time. – They will be taking a minimum of 12 college credit and can take up to 15 college credits. – Part time PACE students will take up to 10 college credits depending on how many classes they are taking at the high school.
P.A.C.E. Free and Reduced Lunch – All students that qualify for free and reduced lunch can have breakfast before the van departs and can order a lunch that will be waiting for them when they return. – If a student is a full time PACE student we can arrange a sack lunch for them to take with them to the college.
P.A.C.E. How many years can a PACE student be in the program? – Students can be in the program every year of high school and 1 year immediately after their senior year.
P.A.C.E How do students choose the classes that they need to take? – Students that are admitted into the P.A.C.E. program will take the Accuplacer test. This test will determine what classes to place the student in. The student will then meet with Mr. Sydow to put a schedule plan in place. The student will then meet with Tiffany Castillo at LBCC who will help get the student registered.
P.A.C.E How will I be able to keep track of my child's progress while they are in P.A.C.E.? – Every fourth and eighth weeks each student must submit a progress report that shows how many absences and where they currently stand grade wise. – If a student has more than two absences they will be contacted by Mr. Sydow. – If a student continues to not perform they will be put on probation and will be dropped from the program.
P.A.C.E. How do college credits align with high school credits? –.50 is a semester class at the high school – 1.00 is a full year credit at the high school 1 college credit =.17 high school credits 2 college credits =.33 high school credits 3 college credits =.50 high school credits 4 college credits =.67 high school credits 5 college credits =.87 high school credits 6 college credits = 1.00 high school credits
P.A.C.E. What are the different degrees that can be earned through P.A.C.E? – High School Diploma w/ college transferable classes. – Oregon Transfer Module = 45 transferable college classes that includes Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Applied fine arts. This is one year of college that can be transferred to a number of in state colleges. – Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer Degree = 90 college credits that includes Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Science, Health Education, Physical Education, and Applied fine arts.
P.A.C.E. Degrees Continued – Associate of Science –OSU Major emphasis = Includes 90 credits for students looking into Oregon State University in a science or medical field. – Associate of Applied Science Degree = Includes 90 credits for students looking to transfer into a medical or science field.
P.A.C.E. I hope I covered most of the information. – Any Questions?