Tessa Charles Australian Synchrotron / Monash University 1 Bunch Compression Schemes for X-band FELs.


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Presentation transcript:

Tessa Charles Australian Synchrotron / Monash University 1 Bunch Compression Schemes for X-band FELs

2 AXXS (Australian X-band X-ray Source) Upgrade the storage ring with an MBA lattice with  < 1 nm rad, in the existing tunnel with the same source points. Build a 3 GeV x-band linac to inject a low emittance beam into the storage ring. Use a second x-band linac to generate a 6 GeV beam for an XFEL. CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 2

Comparison of bunch compression schemes – Magnetic Chicane (most FELs) – Double Achromat (e.g. MAX IV) – Harmonic Linearization – Optical Linearization Today’s talk Why these schemes Preliminary simulation results Bunch compressors we’re considering CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 3

Magnetic Chicane R56 0 δE z Chirped, linearized beam Compressed beam CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 4

AXXS (Australian X-band X-ray Source) - Two Designs 1.Base line design: S-band with X-band structure for linearizing before BC1 1.Alternative design being considered: X-band the whole way Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m 6 x 4 m X-band ~65 MV/m 4 x 0.75 m X-band ~65 MV/m 90 x 0.75 m ~150 m Gun Injector BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m 10 x 0.75 m X-band ~65 MV/m 4 x 0.75 m X-band ~65 MV/m 90 x 0.75 m ~110 m BC1 CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 5

AXXS (Australian X-band X-ray Source) CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 6

How to linearize the longitudinal phase space? Harmonic vs Optical linearization CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 7

All X-band design One way to linearize the longitudinal phase - Optical linearization CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 8

Optical Linearization - Theoretical description Optimal compression => When higher order terms are considered… Bunch length after compression (to 1 st order): Y. Sun et al. Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 17, (2014) CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 9

Optical Linearization - Choosing R56, T566 & U5666 CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 10

Optical Linearization Linac1 end / BC1 entrance BC1 end Linac2 end / BC2 entrance BC2 end Y. Sun et al. Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 17, (2014) CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 11

Optical Linearization Y. Sun et al. Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 17, (2014) T566 = 80 mm R56 = 17 mm CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 12

Positive R56 & positive T566  Self Linearizing BC1: R 56 = 3.23 cm T 566 = 9.26 cm BC2: R 56 = 2.6 c m T 566 = cm MAX IV Detailed Design Report on the MAX IV Facility (2010) CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 13

Preliminary Simulation Results Four simulations of linac compression schemes compared. A work in progress CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 14

01 – BASE LINE DESIGN Inc. 12 GHz linearizer CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 15

S band with X band structure for linearizing before BC1 Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz Initial beam parameters: m e c (pCentral) = Q = 2.5x C Bunch length (rms) = 2.64 ps Simulations based of Andrea Latina’s elegant files. CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 16

S band with X band structure for linearizing before BC1 Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles – 17

S band with X band structure for linearizing before BC1 Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 18

S band with X band structure for linearizing before BC1 Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 19

S band with X band structure for linearizing before BC1 Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 20

S band with X band structure for linearizing before BC1 Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 21

S band with X band structure for linearizing before BC1 Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz Compression Ratio after BC1: 8.34 CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 22

S band with X band structure for linearizing before BC1 Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 23

S band with X band structure for linearizing before BC1 Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 24

Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 25

Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 26

Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 27

S band with X band structure for linearizing before BC1 Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 28

Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz End of linac: Compression Ratio: CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 29

Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 30

Base line design (S-band w X-band linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station S-band ~40 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 12 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 31

02 – ALL X-BAND Without a harmonic linearizer CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 32

CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m

02 All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 34

02 All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 35

02 All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 36

02 All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 37

02 All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 38

Compression Ratio after BC1: All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 39

02 All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 40

02 All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 41

02 All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 42

02 All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 43

02 All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 44

02 All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 45

End of linac: Compression Ratio: All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 46

02 All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 47 Optics not yet optimized

Compression Ratio: All X-band (w/o harmonic linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 48

03 – ALL X-BAND Inc. 24 GHz linearizer CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 49

03 All X-band (24GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 24 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 50

03 All X-band (24GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 24 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 51

03 All X-band (24GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 24 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 52

03 All X-band (24GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 24 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 53

03 All X-band (24GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 24 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 54

CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 55 Compression Ratio after BC1: Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 24 GHz 03 All X-band (24GHz linearizer)

Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 24 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 56

03 All X-band (24GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 24 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 57

03 All X-band (24GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 24 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 58

03 All X-band (24GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 24 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 59

03 All X-band (24GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 24 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 60

03 All X-band (24GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 24 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 61

03 All X-band (24GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 24 GHz End of linac: Compression Ratio: CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 62

03 All X-band (24GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 24 GHz Along the length of the linac CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 63

04 – ALL X-BAND Inc. 36 GHz linearizer CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 64

04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 65

04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 66

04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 67

04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 68

04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 69

04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz Compression Ratio after BC1: CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 70

04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 71

04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 72

04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 73

04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 74

04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 75

04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 76

End of linac: Compression Ratio: Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz 04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 77

Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz Along the length of the linac: 04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 78

04 All X-band (36 GHz linearizer) Gun Injector BC1 BC2 Dogleg Linac2 Undulator Linac1 Experimental Station X-band 12 GHz X-band ~65 MV/m X-band ~65 MV/m X-band 36 GHz Along the length of the linac: CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 79

Comparison of the 4 simulated scenarios End of linac comparison CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles S-band w X-band linearizer (Base line)02 all X-band w/o linearizer 03 all X-band w 24 GHz linearizer04 all X-band w 36 GHz linearizer

Where to from here… Further optimization of chicane simulations and inclusions of additional effects (CSR) & optimize optics Look into beam parameters optimal for photon production Investigate optical linearization in chicanes Investigate optical linearization in double achromats CLIC Workshop 2015 – Tessa Charles - 81

Thank you