Robyn Seifert February 6, 2013 K-12 EDUCATION Administrators 2
Summative assessment to be administered during the last 12 weeks of the school year Optional interim assessments that can be used to check student progress throughout the year Digital library of formative assessment practices and professional learning resources for teachers. 3
Summative and optional interim assessments Computer adaptive assessment that provides more accurate and efficient measures of student achievement and growth Variety of assessment item types selected response, constructed response, technology enhanced items, and performance tasks 4
Data will be available in a timely way through an online portal. On-demand access to resources on assessment literacy through the digital library Professional development and training for teams of educators from each state 5
Fall 2012: Teacher teams write Field Test items and tasks Early 2013: Begin development of online professional learning materials on the assessment system, the Common Core, using reporting data and utilizing online resources Spring 2013: Pilot test of summative and interim assessment items and performance tasks Spring 2013: Pilot test scoring 7
Spring 2014: Smarter Balanced conducts Field test of summative and interim assessment items and performance tasks Summer/Fall 2014: Training materials available for all users on interpreting interim and summative assessment reports, searching resources, and using collaboration tools in the Digital Library Fall 2014: Smarter Balanced assessments and digital library ready for use by states Spring 2015: States administer summative assessment during last 12 weeks of the school year 8
Building Awareness Mathematical Practices How do we teach? Content Standards What do we teach? Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Did they learn?
15% 5% 80% Tier 3 Intensive Interventions (Times and frequency varies) Tier 2 Targeted Interventions (30 minutes, 2 – 5 days per week) Tier 1 Differentiated Core Instruction (60 minutes/day) Without additional Tier 2 support, some students may not be ready to learn.
Claim 1: Concepts and Procedures (40%) Recall and reproduction of facts and other types of information. Claim 2: Problem Solving (20%) Basic skills and concepts that require cognitive processes that extend beyond the recall of information. Claim 3: Communicating Reasoning (20%) Strategic thinking and reasoning. Claim 4: Modeling and Data Analysis (20%) Extended thinking that includes complex reasoning, planning, development, and cognition that occurs over an extended period of time.
Screen for Procedural Fluency IES: Assisting Struggling Students Recommendation #2 Introduction to the Math Shifts of the CCSS