NC Serials 2005 Electronic Resources Management Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How? (not necessarily in that order) Andrew K. Pace Head, Systems NCSU Libraries
NC Serials 2005 Acknowlegements Greg Raschke and David Goldsmith Nathan Robertson, and the DLF-ERMI The entire “E-Matrix Team” at NCSU Libraries
NC Serials 2005 What? As libraries have worked to incorporate electronic resources into their collections, services and operations, most have found their existing Integrated Library Systems to lack important functionality to support these new resources. - Digital Library Federation Electronic Resource Management Initiative Report August 2004
NC Serials 2005 Who? And Where? Innovative Interfaces’ ERM Elsevier / Endeavor Meridian Ex Libris Verde CARL Goldrush VTLS VERIFY EBSCO Electronic Journal Service Sirsi ????? Various E-journal Finders DLF Electronic Resource Management Initiative Boston College Library California Digital Library Cornell University Emory University Griffith University Johns Hopkins Kansas State University MIT Penn State Tri-College Consortium UCLA University of Georgia University of Minnesota University of Washington Yale University Vendor Efforts (aka “Me too”)Library Efforts DLF Electronic Resource Management Initiative Or Google=web hub
NC Serials 2005 DLF ERMI (Oct. 2002) Goals Describe architectures needed to manage large collections of licensed e- resources Establish lists of elements and definitions Write and publish XML Schemas/DTDs Promote best practices and standards for data interchange Team Ivy Anderson (Harvard) Adam Chandler (Cornell University) Sharon E. Farb (UCLA) Timothy D. Jewell (Chair, University of Washington) Kimberly Parker (Yale) Angela Riggio (UCLA) Nathan D.M. Robertson (Johns Hopkins)
NC Serials 2005 DLF ERMI Final Report, August 2004 46 pages of text Describes the problem Outlines existing solutions and efforts Introduces the appendices.... Appendix A: Functional Requirements Appendix B: Workflow Diagram Appendix C: Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) Appendix D: Data Element Dictionary Appendix E: Data Structure Appendix F: XML Investigation
NC Serials 2005 WHY?
NC Serials 2005 Classic Integrated System MARC Records item holdings serial holdings Patron Records circ transactions reserve records Acquisitions Records websites (856) e-books e-journals databases datasets WEBPAC Patron self- service Serials Control Records SERIALS!!!!
NC Serials 2005 Dis-integrated Library System websites (856) e-books e-journals databases alpha list of databases subject list of databases e-journal finder Serials Solutions TDNet web subject guides Licensing Files ILL Files Collection Management Files Helpdesk Files Statistical Files institutional repository Authentication & Authorization Library Portal alert services SFXOpenly
NC Serials 2005 NCSU Libraries E-Matrix July 1999 – NCSU “E-Shepherding” specification written (and shelved) – the square peg and round hole era “ERM” begins to emerge; DLIF-ERMI takes shape Fall 2002 – electronic resources in the catalog; E-Journal Finder; SFX; Licensing database; Collection Management OASIS database E-Matrix begins to emerge
NC Serials 2005 NCSU Libraries E-Matrix An ad hoc committee charge The ad hoc E-Matrix Committee will implement a prototype electronic resources management system to support acquisition and licensing, collection management, and resource discovery for the Libraries' electronic resources [and all the print journals, too, please]
NC Serials 2005 licensing statistics subscript- ion info technical support remote access evaluative data PRESENTATION LAYER ADMINISTRATIVE METADATAADMINISTRATIVE METADATA E-MATRIXE-MATRIX ILSILS Other Databases: E-journal finder ETDs Instn’l Repository Etc. DATA HOOKS Website Catalog E-resources Alert Services Local DBs & Collections Digital Archives Data Repos- itories vendor data Evaluative Tools E-MATRIX
NC Serials 2005 E-matrix Challenges Public interface is secondary concern Leveraging existing data—all of it! Workflow, Workflow, Workflow Avoid solutions looking for problem Embrace the serial work
NC Serials 2005 So what….
NC Serials 2005
TitleFormatAvailable Location Applied PhysicsElectronic1931 to pres.URL Print1937 to pres.QC1.P66, 6 th floor stacks View full bound volume information View full record
NC Serials 2005 Why, more generally The E-Matrix Philosophy
NC Serials 2005 E-Matrix Objectives manage electronic and print serial subscriptions, other e-resources, support licensing; local control support resource selection, allocation, and evaluation; manage and use faculty- provided data; integrated data reports Acquisitions Collection Management Discovery and display enhance access points; improve user displays; leverage local metadata; access at the work level
NC Serials 2005 Acquisitions 19% of total collections budget spent on electronic resources 28% of serials budget on e-resources Still in a bi-model mode for many titles and divergent workflow is costly
NC Serials 2005 Licensing Systematically tracking terms and conditions of materials Digital Rights Management (DRM) will govern use over fair use rights Breach control will increase as vendor monitoring methods become more sophisticated
NC Serials 2005 SJERMs Journals / Serials Electronic Resources Databases Collection Mgmt evaluative data Acquisitions and licensing data Local subjects Bib Data Statistical Data Search / Browse MyAccount Patron Database My Courses Course Reserves MyLibrary MyTOCs
NC Serials 2005 “It’s the seriality, stupid”
NC Serials 2005 Value Added Features Integration with existing data stores Direct faculty input and ranking Serials integrated – simplified holdings Complex bundle relationships Localized evaluative data and usage reports Local subjects and metadata
NC Serials 2005 Finding Data Elements Field Name Field Type: text, number, date, dollar Estimated field size: number of characters Required field: y/n Multiple occurrences: y/n In ILS: y/n Already stored electronically? (i.e. Access/Excell) Field applies to: book, database, journal, all Data entry by: cataloging, acquisitions, collmgmt Example of data Notes
NC Serials 2005 Data Elements (~160) Descriptive –Title, identifiers, provider, holdings (27) Licensing – Parties, terms of use, rights, business terms (74) Access – URI, authorization, proxy (10) Administrative – Accounts, configuration, usage statistics, tech support, contact info (51) Evaluative – Resource assessment, impact, faculty contact enrichment (20)
NC Serials 2005
Collection Evaluation/Cost Analysis
NC Serials 2005
Some expected (and unexpected) discoveries Non-standard data ain’t so bad (SFX KB, acquisitions, serials, etc.) Standard data ain’t as good as you think it is There’s a reason no one has provided a definitive solution for expressing the “serial work” ERM strongly suggests radical changes to technical services workflow There’s as much data about data as there is data (at least it seems that way)
NC Serials 2005 E-matrix / ERM Future Taking the “E” out of E-matrix Standards Is the ILS superfluous? Is MARC dead? Will libraries or their vendors corner the ERM market? Are we going to share the code? Would we do it again? we must sort of I can dream, can’t I? yes sort of definitely sure, what the heck
NC Serials 2005 Yes, we would do it again The Serial Work Migration of / Interoperability with existing data Putting our development dollars where our collections dollars are
NC Serials 2005 Building a Dirt Bike
NC Serials 2005 Thank you. Andrew K. Pace Head, Systems North Carolina State University Libraries