G LOBA L C ONSULTING L EADERS S YMPOSIUM December 5-7, 2007 KSA’s Global Perspective Bill Pace CEO Kurt Salmon Associates
KSA’s Global Strategic View Core Strategic BeliefImplications for KSA Our MARKETS Consumer: Slowing in developed countries and growing in developing countries Health Care: Growing everywhere Increase our mix of Asian and health care businesses Our SERVICES Shift from specific “point” and “functional” consulting services to integrated solutions Redefine and redevelop services that address big cross-functional issues and opportunities Our POSITION Vertical depth will be key to enabling profitable growth Develop depth in services, solutions, capabilities, and intellectual capital targeted to specific verticals Our CAPABILITIES Winning firms serving major companies must be able to deliver services globally Build and leverage scale in key geographic markets both organically and via merger Our PROCESSES Management consulting is moving from a high margin “craft” business to a more process-driven “delivered outcome” business Build more discipline, efficiency, responsiveness, and value measurement into our key business processes
KSA’s Global Strategic Priorities Global Reach Industry Leading Clients Career Orientatio n Industry Focused Services Strong Brand Results Focused Processes Broad- Skilled Consultants