Tactical Decision Aids In use at Fort Worth CWSU James Ott
Tactical Decision Aids Define FTW ARTCC Description of FTW ARTCCDescription of FTW ARTCC Types of TDAs used at FTW CWSU TRACONTRACON ARTCCARTCC Forecaster produced Automated by PACE Forecast Tools
Tactical Decision Aids Defined Graphical forecast of elements useful to FAA Traffic Management, supervisors and dispatchers Timeline format Forecast Elements can be categorical or probabilistic
Tactical Decision Aids (TDA) Define ZFW ARTCC Description of ZFW airspaceDescription of ZFW airspace Types of TDAs used at FTW CWSU TRACONTRACON ARTCCARTCC Forecaster produced Automated Forecast Tools
Fort Worth ARTCC Major air traffic corridors/routes: North-south traffic from IAH-ORD and IAH-DEN as well as others East-west traffic across the southern US DFW arrivals/departures
DFW TRACON with Air traffic FTW ARTCC Arrival Cornerposts UKW Bowie BYP Bonham JEN Glenrose CQY Cedar Creek
DFW TRACON with Air traffic Arrival Depart DFW Arrival/Departure Routes
Tactical Decision Aids (TDA) Define FTW ARTCC Description of FTW ARTCCDescription of FTW ARTCC Types of TDAs used at FTW CWSU TRACONTRACON ARTCCARTCC Forecaster produced Automated by PACE Forecast Tools
Types of TDAs DFW TRACON (in use since late 90’s) Ceilings and visibilitiesCeilings and visibilities Wind - north or south flow or crosswindWind - north or south flow or crosswind Precipitation type/coveragePrecipitation type/coverage Timeline forecast through 9 hoursTimeline forecast through 9 hours Updated every 3-6 hoursUpdated every 3-6 hours
Types of TDAs ARTCC Arrival and departure gate sectors (UKW, BYP,CQY, JEN) TS coverageTS coverage Timeline forecast through 6 hoursTimeline forecast through 6 hours Updated every 3-6 hoursUpdated every 3-6 hours
Elements to TRACON TDA Ceilings/Visibilities VFR >= 3000 ft; > 5 miVFR >= 3000 ft; > 5 mi MVFR ft; 3 – 5 miMVFR ft; 3 – 5 mi IFR 500 – 1000 ft; 1 – 3 miIFR 500 – 1000 ft; 1 – 3 mi LIFR < 500 ft ; < 1 miLIFR < 500 ft ; < 1 mi Winds North flowNorth flow South flowSouth flow Crosswinds ktsCrosswinds kts Precipitation TypeType TS SH RA SN etc. Probability/CoverageProbability/Coverage Few – VC - Prob30/40 - Tempo
TRACON TDA Forecast Tools Current METARs Current TAF Crosswind calculations Via FTW CWSU web siteVia FTW CWSU web site Precipitation forecast Various sourcesVarious sources ITWS, PACE, NCWF6, Auto Nowcaster
Ex G40
Tactical Decision Aids (TDA) Define ZFW ARTCC Airspace 101 (short version)Airspace 101 (short version) Types of TDAs used at FTW CWSU TRACONTRACON ARTCCARTCC Forecaster produced Automated by PACE Forecast Tools
Elements to Arrival/Departure Gate Sector TDA (Forecaster) Precipitation (TS) Coverage Open - < 30%Open - < 30% Marginal %Marginal % Impacted >70%Impacted >70%
For continuous updates go to Data from PACE
Tactical Decision Aids (TDA) Define ZFW ARTCC Description of ZFW airspaceDescription of ZFW airspace Types of TDAs used at FTW CWSU TRACONTRACON ARTCCARTCC Forecaster produced Automated Forecast Tools
Arrival/Departure Gate Sector TDA Forecast Tools Convective Forecasting NEXRADNEXRAD Auto Nowcaster – Thunderstorm initiation toolAuto Nowcaster – Thunderstorm initiation tool TCWF – Terminal Convective Weather Forecast (ITWS)TCWF – Terminal Convective Weather Forecast (ITWS) 0-1 hour PACE - Prototype Aviation Collaborative EffortPACE - Prototype Aviation Collaborative Effort 0-2 hours NCWF6 - National Convective Weather ForecastNCWF6 - National Convective Weather Forecast 0-6 hours CCFP – Collaborate Convective Forecast ProductCCFP – Collaborate Convective Forecast Product 0-6 hours
WARP NEXRAD Mosaic Advantages Primary display available to ATCPrimary display available to ATC Displays TS and jet routes/sectorsDisplays TS and jet routes/sectors AnimationAnimation Disadvantages No calculations or forecast other than CCFPNo calculations or forecast other than CCFP Closed system- Cannot import products from other sourcesCannot import products from other sources
Auto Nowcaster Displays Convective Threat 1 hour in advance1 hour in advance User input required from local WFO Type of airmass regimeType of airmass regime Cold front, Dryline, No TS, Dvlpg Ts, Stnry Fnt, Advect, Mxd boundaries, regions, polygonsboundaries, regions, polygons Nudge up/down
ITWS (Integrated Terminal Weather System) Integrates several radar systems Six radars (1) NEXRAD (2) TDWRs (3) ASR-9s TCWF – (Terminal Convective Weather Forecast) 0 – 1 hour location of precipitation0 – 1 hour location of precipitation VIL intensityVIL intensity
PACE (Prototype Aviation Collaborative Effort) Displays current significant thunderstorm activity Significant thunderstorms VIL intensityVIL intensity LightningLightning Echo tops > 15,000 ft.Echo tops > 15,000 ft. Incorporates NCWF2 forecast (0-2 hr.)
PACE (Prototype Aviation Collaborative Effort) Plan View TS forecast 30, 60, 90 and 120 min.TS forecast 30, 60, 90 and 120 min. Updated every 5 minutesUpdated every 5 minutes Timeline display 0-2 hr. at 5 min. intervals0-2 hr. at 5 min. intervals Threat boxes indicate TS within 10 nm.Threat boxes indicate TS within 10 nm. Major jet routes Arrival and departure gates Algorithms currrently very simplistic
NCWF-6 (National Convective Weather Forecast-6 hours) Displays current and forecast significant thunderstorm activity Significant thunderstormsSignificant thunderstorms VIL intensity Lightning Echo tops > ft. Displays forecast of activity (0-6hrs.) Threat probabilityThreat probability
Arrival/Departure Gate Sector TDA Forecast Tools Convective Forecasting NEXRADNEXRAD Auto-Nowcaster – Thunderstorm initiation toolAuto-Nowcaster – Thunderstorm initiation tool TCWF – Terminal Convective Weather Forecast (ITWS)TCWF – Terminal Convective Weather Forecast (ITWS) 0-1 hour PACE - Prototype Aviation Collaborative EffortPACE - Prototype Aviation Collaborative Effort 0-2 hours NCWF-6 - National Convective Weather ForecastNCWF-6 - National Convective Weather Forecast 0-6 hours CCFP – Collaborate Convective Forecast ProductCCFP – Collaborate Convective Forecast Product 2-6 hours
Product Development PACE Earth System Research Lab/Global Systems Division - Greg PrattEarth System Research Lab/Global Systems Division - Greg Pratt NCWF6 National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) - Dr. James PintoNational Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) - Dr. James Pinto Auto-Nowcaster University Center for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) - Rita RobertsUniversity Center for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) - Rita Roberts
Summary Define ZFW ARTCC Types of TDAs used at FTW CWSU TRACONTRACON ARTCCARTCC Forecast Tools
FTW CWSU web site