Presented by Sam Supervised by Prof. Michael Lyu
Outline n What is Virtual Campus? n Changing Trend of Learning Style n New Learning Process n Basic Architecture n Components of Virtual Campus n Future Work n Conclusion
What is Virtual Campus? n Ideal study environment for the ‘life-long’ learners n Providing Àup-to-date demanding learning materials Ápersonal study guide n Students can customize their study in own pace Delivery the ‘own-paced’ material to the right person in any time.
What’s in Virtual Campus? À Student n fully engage in the learning process through an interactive, dynamic environment n study personal scheduled on-line materials n accomplish group project and discussion n seek help/advice from instructors
What’s in Virtual Campus? Á Instructor n Delivery the lectures as usual, BUT through the WWW (Internet) to access students n Answer the questions from students in real- time mode (just like in traditional classroom) OR non-real mode (by or notice broad) n provide a channel for personal communication with students (collaboration - just like tutorial)
What’s in Virtual Campus?  Learning material provider n shorten the distance with students n gather the demanding materials à Personal scheduler n consultant/counseller for each student n re-arrange the order of the course material according to each student’s pace
Changing Trend of Learning Style Student-centeredteacher-centered Students’ monotonously Lecturing monotonously Active and collaborative learning Passive learning Educational Focus Teaching approach Learning Style
New Learning Process À Customized learning strategy
New Learning Process (cont’) Á Changed behavior of roles
New Learning Process (cont’) Â Relationship between demand and supply
Basic Architecture
Components of Virtual Campus Construction Editing Management Web-based presentation HTML slides Streaming audio and video SynchronousAsynchronous Delivery of lessons À MWPS (Multimedia Web Presentation System)
Outlook of MWPS
Outlook of MWPS (cont’)
Components of Virtual Campus Á JCE (Java Collaborative Environment)
Future Works n Building a integrated Virtual Campus with a user- friendly interface; n Implementing the component of customized re- scheduler, by adding pointers to course material and stored in learner’s personal profile; n Providing the status of log-on people, which enables others know who are available; n Hacking the source codes of MWPS and JCE in order to optimal the facilities of Virtual Campus;
Conclusion Future education and training n overcome space, time, and performance demands n increasing geographical distribution n continuous updating information n effective learning Interactive, dynamic, active feedback studying environment Virtual Campus
Q&A Thank you
Traditional Learning Environment n teaching materials are planned in a non- dynamic order n instructors/teachers have to select the teaching materials beforehand n After preparation, instructors/teachers present the material to students at the same time and they receive responses and queries from the students
Traditional Learning Environment n a class of small size (20-40 people) n hard to handle all those questions immediately when the course is running. In these situations, most students just sit in class passively, and some may even be “tuned out”
Ideal Educational Environment Responsive AND Developmental Providing effective responses to enquiries Concerning with the student’s overall progress, across all courses and study programmes
Ideal Platform - Internet n Compatible technology platforms n reducing the transaction cost n minimizing the switching cost n Provides a platform for delivering n text materials n audio and video streams n Increases distribution efficiency
Major Features in Design n Orientation - clarify the next steps n User-friendly - information delivery n Material - “Just in time” n Tracking & feedback - important elements n Establishing & maintaining new study habits and ways of working n explicit advice for the ‘beginning’ student