Fáilte Preparing for a 10K Thursday Sep 5 th, CIT.
Schedule 6.50 – 7.10pm Registration, Tea/Coffee & Biscuits on arrival 7.10pm Welcome and Introductions 7.15pm Sonia O Sullivan, Olympic Silver Medalist. 7.35pm Steven Macklin (Athletics Ireland) – Training for a 10KM – Experienced + Q & A. 7.55pm Nollaigh O’Neill (Leisureworld) Training for a 10k- Beginner + Q&A. 8.20pm-9.00pm Gait Analysis, Maher’s Sports.
Olympic Silver Medallist and Special Guest Sonia O’ Sullivan
Questions & Chat
Athletics Ireland Road Running Workshop Steven Macklin Regional Development Officer Athletics Ireland
Types of Endurance Training Recovery Runs (Very Easy pace) Easy Runs (Easy conversational pace) Long Runs (Body learns to use fat as fuel source & body increases glycogen storage capacity) Steady Runs (Steady state but controlled) Threshold/Tempo Runs (approx 85-90% of HR Max) CV Reps (Just over LT Pace or 92% of HR Max) VO2 Max Intervals (About 3km Race pace) Anaerobic Speed Repetitions (1500m pace and faster) Alactic Sprints (40-60m with 2-3 mins walk recovery)
Other Training for Endurance Hill Running (Recruits different Muscle Fibres and builds Muscular Endurance) Circuits Agua Jogging Fartlek Plyometrics Weights Core Work Flexibility Drills Cross-Training
Setting Up Training Plan Keep it simple Have goal/target race and work backwards Always working from the general to the specific Training Stages: -Base (Building Aerobic System & conditioning body for race pace work) -Base (Bank Account- Making Deposits & Withdrawals!!!) -Specific Work (Working on training specific to event while maintaining endurance) -Peaking (Freshening up for target race by easing down slightly on volume and intensity) -Racing -Recovery (Allowing body to recover from training and racing load before building endurance base again)
General Training Progression has 3 key variables – Intensity of effort (pace) – Amount of recovery (interval) – Total Volume Adjust any of these 3 to progress Only adjust one variable at a time Adjusting too many at same time can lead to injury
10km Training Latest Scientific research says 10km roughly 95-96% Aerobic Important for 10km strong Aerobic Capacity, High LT, Good Running Economy Training similar to 5km only workouts longer in duration As with all distance events LT workouts, CV Reps, 5km-10km pace reps, Hill Running, Long Runs important for good 10km Sample 10km Specific workouts include: o20-25*400m with secs jog rec o8-10*1km with 1-2 mins jog rec o5-6*1 Mile with 2 mins jog rec o4-5*2km with 2-3 mins jog rec No big difference from 5km training only slightly more volume and longer reps at 10km pace
Final Tips 1) Run a lot! Volume done just below your personal limit, week after week is gold! 2) Vary your training intensity (some easy paced, some moderate, and some faster). A mix of about 75% easy, 15-20% moderate, and about 5-10% faster is about right for the vast majority of people running 5k races or longer. 3) Run on hills in training 2 times per week. Specific leg strength is vital to running success. The stronger your legs are the more training you can do without breaking down. The more training you can do without breaking down the better your race performances will be, on average. 4) Don't overthink. Set up a simple plan and stick to it. Stop worrying about all the x and y parts of training and just execute a well designed weekly schedule over and over and over. A week that includes 1 CV Rep session, 1 tempo over hills or tempo plus hills, and a long run plus two sessions of strides per week (6-8 x 100m at 5k pace, gradually increasing the speed as you legs warm up, and never straining), plus plenty of easy distance work is going to place 95% of the runners at 95% of their peak fitness - or better.
Final Tips 5) Race intelligently. That means don't go out too fast! Use self-control and know your current limits. Stay under your limits early in the race and you will run a solid race overall. Patience is a virtue! 6) Take care of the minor details. Sleep enough, wear proper runners, vary running surfaces, eat wisely, hydrate often, and prevent or take care of injuries before they side-line you. Stay away from people who are sick, and wash your hands with soap and water often. 7) Always remember that you must keep the ball rolling. Momentum is the backbone of progression!
Questions & Chat
*Tip 1 First Steps -Walk/Running -From every 1/2/3 lamp posts, walk/run. * Tip 2 Consistency - big gains with small increases - no gains when making up for training skipped “Those who are successful look for the best, those who fail look for excuses”, Brooks Johnson, USA Track & Field Coach.
*Tip 3 Goals - Set a goal, 2 miles, or pick a race, 5k, 10k. - Be realistic, and they must be achievable to avoid disappointment. * Tip 4 Heart Rate Monitor - Cheap and effective tool to progress from beginner to advanced. - keeps training range within the MHR %, weather its recovery, aerobic or anaerobic session. Remember, recovery is as important as the training session!
*Tip 5 Preventions - There is no “Fit all” programme. - Fatigue; whether work obligations or family something will always get in the way if you let it. - Make a schedule, fit it in and MAKE TIME. * Tip 6 Progression - Consistency and variation. - Vary training sessions. - Easy long runs, interval sessions (sprint repetitions, or hill reps), tempo runs, strength training, cross training, recovery runs and developmental stretching.
LEVEL% OF MAX HEART RATEREMARKS Low-intensity level. “Fat Burning” %Long duration of mins or more. 90% fuel from fat. Unless the individual is very unfit there is very little effort on CV fitness. Mid- intensity level. Endurance %Moderate duration of minutes. 50% fuel from Carbs. Very effective at improving CV fitness. High-intensity level. Stamina %Hard training. 90% fuel from carbohydrates. Highly effective at improving CV fitness through anaerobic means. (interval sessions)
FREE Gait Analysis
Thank You Have a lovely evening!!!!