Birmingham Professional Conference Confidence in Communication – Workshop 29 th March 2012 External behaviour Environment Internal State Internal Processing Environment Place Time Conditions Internal State Feelings Emotions Identity History Internal Processing Thinking/Purpose Values and beliefs The Language that is used External Behaviour Words Tone Expression Body Language Listening Communication framework
Birmingham Professional Conference Confidence in Communication – Workshop 29 th March 2012 Status? TA (Transactional Analysis) P arent A dult C hild
Match Pace Lead? Birmingham Professional Conference Confidence in Communication – Workshop 29 th March 2012 Them You Match Pace Lead
The Importance of Listening We can really only take in 5 pieces of information (+ or – 2) at any one time, so we tend to generalise, delete or distort information. Generalisation: ‘Everyone says this never works! ‘I always wait ages to get through!’ ‘ I never ever have good signal’ Deletion: What type of information do you tend to delete? What is the other person deleting? Distortion: Placing a different meaning on something, to that intended by the speaker Birmingham Professional Conference Confidence in Communication – Workshop 29 th March 2012
A Definition of Rapport Taking a genuine interest in another person Being curious about who they are and how they think Being willing to see the world from their point of view 5 Tips for better rapport 1.Calibrate voice tone, speed, volume, language, beliefs and values 2.Take things at their pace 3.Understand their outcome 4.Diagnose cause rather than symptom 5.Lead to a positive close Birmingham Professional Conference Confidence in Communication – Workshop 29 th March 2012
Confidence You are a professional 5 Tips to build your self confidence 1.You know your subject - you have all the resources you need 2.If the subject is new to you prepare and be honest if you need to check facts 3.Choose your status ‘act status appropriate’ 4.‘Anchor’ what feeling confident feels like for YOU 5.Build rapport & listen– everyone wants you to succeed! Birmingham Professional Conference Confidence in Communication – Workshop 29 th March 2012