Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries AGENDA Vision Casting (What God is Doing in DC) What is Level 2 Training? (How Training Evolves) BREAK /3 rd Process (Leading a Group) Pace Setting BREAK Lunch and Practical Exercise Generational Mapping (by person and by group) Iron on Iron (How to) BREAK Iron on Iron (Spiritual Health round tables) BREAK Iron on Iron (Ministry Mechanics round tables)
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Level 2 Take Away’s 1.) How to lead a group using the 3/3 rd Process 2.) How to lead a group using Pace Setting 3.) How to cast vision and discern the strategic direction of a ministry using a generational map 4.) How to participate in and lead an Iron on Iron Spiritual Health session 5.) How to participate in and lead an Iron on Iron Ministry Mechanics session 6.) How to develop multi-generational leadership within a network of disciples.
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries What is God doing in DC? In the last 18 months: 90 salvations, 29 groups, 400+ trained…..BUT! In the last 3 weeks: How we reached the 8 th generation Beth Kati e V Tina Coo per Cace y Jim Joe Jake Cody Laur en Daw n Chaz Wor k Scho ol Neig hbor CJCJ Ni col e Sis ter Ro b C h ri s J a m ie YouthYouth B a p ti s m Hom e Chur ch
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries What is Level 2 Training? Phase 1 TRAINING: ISSUES: TRAINING: ISSUES: 1.7 Lessons 2.Learning Prayer, Word, how to share, and Vision 3.Watch Pace Setting 1.Lordship 2.Marriage 3.Children 4.Family 5.Work Phase 2 You 1.Long Term Discipleship 2.How to train another on Prayer, Word, Sharing, and Vision 3.Participate in IOI 4.Learn the 4 fields 5.How to Pace Set 6.How to shepherd a group 1.Leadership 2.Family Gatherings (bonding a network) 3.Advice to Advice giver 4.Addressing systemic lordship issues in the network 5.Tracking a network 1.Disciple not obeying 2.Disciple w/LMCFW issues 3.Time Management 4.Time/Study Prioritization Phase 3 You 1.Lead IOI 2.Lead level 1&2 training 3.Train another on Gen maps 4.Train the 4 fields and use it 5.Diagnose Pace setting issues 6.Teach another how to shepherd a group
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Questions? BREAK
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries AGENDA Vision Casting (What God is Doing in DC) What is Level 2 Training? (How Training Evolves) BREAK /3 rd Process (Leading a Group) Pace Setting BREAK Lunch and Practical Exercise Generational Mapping (by person and by group) Iron on Iron (How to) BREAK Iron on Iron (Spiritual Health round tables) BREAK Iron on Iron (Ministry Mechanics round tables)
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries 3/3 rd Process 1. Pastoral Care- Mean it! Get involved in each other’s lives. 2. Worship- Get everyone involved. (professional violinist) 3. Accountability- Grow: Personal relationship with Jesus Go: Reaching others w/ the Gospel Gather: Forming groups to make disciples. 4. Vision Casting- What is God doing and how do we fit in? *Big Picture* How do I fit into 50K in 5? 5. New Lesson- You can use anything. 6. Practice- To standard-NOT to time. Competent & Confident 7. Goal Setting- Measurable and Attainable Grow, Go, Gather 1 st Third 2 nd Third 3 rd Third
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Pace Setting: What is it? Exemplify EVERYTHING you teach! Training vs. Teaching Benefits of Pace Setting 1.Offers a practical base line (What does it look like) 2.Demystifies the process “That was incredibly simple” 3.Builds confidence 4.Allows trainer to ‘bridge’ a conversation for trainee 5.Allows trainer to provide immediate feedback 6.Allows trainer to support in tough situations 7.Continues to provide trainees for your trainee 8.Establishes an obedience based DNA in the trainer and trainee 9.Builds credibility of the trainer 10.Builds rapport between trainer and trainee
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Pace Setting: Examples 1. Sharing- Testimony or Gospel -Excuse me. We’ve been working on something in our Bible Study. Do you have 2 minutes to be our guinee pig so he/she can practice with a stranger? Great! My name is….. And this is….. He/she is going to share (testimony/bridge/2 kingdoms) 2. Reading the Bible- Cornerstone Illustration and SPECK - Trainer read 1 John 1 and have the trainee or group identify each item from SPECK as you read it. Have them interrupt you as soon as they hear it. Then make an appointment to meet several days in a row to train on a Quiet Time. 3. Prayer- PASSION acronym - Make a PASSION list. Then pray it with them. Then make an appointment to meet several days in a row to train on prayer.
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries LUNCH PAIR UP/GROUP UP and PRACTICE PACE SETTING One Person practices introducing-then actually share your testimony. Then switch. Each pair or group should share a testimony or the Gospel with at least 2 strangers.
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries AGENDA Vision Casting (What God is Doing in DC) What is Level 2 Training? (How Training Evolves) BREAK /3 rd Process (Leading a Group) Pace Setting BREAK Lunch and Practical Exercise Generational Mapping (by person and by group) Iron on Iron (How to) BREAK Iron on Iron (Spiritual Health round tables) BREAK Iron on Iron (Ministry Mechanics round tables)
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Why Generationally Map a Ministry? 1. It brings more Glory to God. 2. It allows us to see more clearly how God is using us. 3. It allows us to strategically pray for our spiritual children. 4. It allows us to tactically assess a ministry and adjust our focus. 5. It allows us to cast vision to our spiritual children. 6. It allows us to cast vision to those who need to be mobilized.
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Generational Mapping 1.Generational map by person. -Who has the Spirit moved based on your Word or deed? -Map the Spirit’s movement by name through your network. Jeff Stan Jim Bill Cletus Chuck Brad
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Generational Mapping 1.Generational map by group. -Field 1: # of FFG, Field 2: # of confessions/# of baptisms, Field 3: # of accountability teams, Field 4: is group functioning as a church, Center: # of trained trainers N N Y 2
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Iron on Iron RULES 1.PRAY, PRAY, PRAY 2.Be honest 3.Have thick skin 4.Remember, IOI is about growing closer to Christ and winning the lost. 5.Edify 6.Learn 7.Apply the lessons learned 8.Take notes 9.LOVE 10.Use scripture 11.Be humble when giving and receiving advice
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Questions? BREAK
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Iron on Iron (Spiritual Health) 1.Prayer 2.Review action plan from last IOI 3.How are you Abiding in Christ? 1.Word 2.Prayer 3.Trust 4.Obedience 4.What is Jesus doing in your ministry, marriage and family? 5.Explain the connection between YOUR spiritual life and YOUR ministry. Good or bad. 6.In what areas are you stuck? Why? 7.What is your action plan? 1.Word, prayer, trust, obedience, ministry, marriage, family
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Questions? BREAK
Level 2 Discipleship Training 220 Life Ministries Iron on Iron (Ministry Mechanics) 1.Prayer 2.Review action plan from last IOI 3.What is Jesus doing in your ministry? 4.Show & explain your generational map. 5.Where are you stuck? 6.Group questions & Feedback 7.2 Action plans for the future 8.Specific prayer for the ministry