Cultural Adaptation What’s all this about “culture shock?” [.ædæp'tei ʃ ən ]
Culture shock culture, life style, food, timing, life pace, Language, gestures and body language, Social customs What field will ‘culture shock’ occur in? Please list them down. Now let’s compare your answer with mine.
Culture shock the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens feeling of distress, a feeling of disbelief, something bad happens shock
Culture shock foreign country,culture, occurs, food, timing, life pace, Language, Gestures and body language, Social customs, depressed, disappointed, worried, even loss of appetite. Try to explain what culture shock is by using the given key words: Culture shock is something that when you visit a foreign country you hardly suiable the local food, food, timing, life pace, Language, Gestures and body language Social customs, etc.. And then you will feel depressed, disappointed, worried, even loss of appetite.
Culture shock If you go to foreign country, where its culture is quite different from your native culture, the culture shock occurs. For example, food is strange, timing is different, life pace is faster. Language is different; Gestures and body language are different. Social customs will be different. People who suffer from culture shock will feel depressed, disappointed, worried, even loss of appetite.
Physical Adjustments Social Adjustments Internal Adjustments Why does culture shock occur?
U-curve theory of adjustment Honey moon phase important :something that is very important because what happens in the future depends on it Critical incidents recovery adjustment
U-curve theory of adjustment Honey moon phase an event, especially one that is unusual, important, or violent Critical incidents recovery adjustment
U-curve theory of adjustment Honey moon phase the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions), get used to something Critical incidents recovery adjustment
U-curve theory of adjustment Honey moon phase any distinct time period in a sequence of events Critical incidents recovery adjustment
U-curve theory of adjustment Honey moon phase the process of returning to a normal condition after a period of trouble or difficulty Critical incidents recovery adjustment
U-curve theory of adjustment Honey moon phase making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances Critical incidents recovery adjustment
Classic symptoms of culture shock In this part, you will approach many words that are used to express feeling
Happiness, excitement, interest, stimulation to encourage someone by making them excited about something and interested in something:
Confusion when you do not understand what is happening or what something means because it is not clear
What is your feeling? [ æŋ'zaiəti ] depressed, disappointed, worried, uncomfortable, anxiety, upset, even loss of appetite. Your Feeling
Fatigue very great tiredness [ fə ' ti:g ]
Insomnia [ in's ɔ mniə ] if you suffer from insomnia, you are not able to sleep
Headaches and stomachaches [ 'st ʌ məkeik ]
Anger and hostility [ h ɔ s'tiliti ]
The cat has hostility towards the mouse. The dog has hostility towards the cat.
Thinking it was a mistake to leave home
Obstacles to adjustment Not knowing the local language Isolating yourself [ 'ɔbstəkl ]
Isolate : set apart from others [ 'aisəleit ]
Culture Shock is not a mysterious disease! How to react to it: [ mis'tiəriəs ] Think ahead before you go. Understand what you’re going through. The thing that scares me the most about living overseas is…. I think my biggest problem with “the natives” will be…. Don’t withdraw -- either by yourself or in a group. Interact with host-nationals!!! Keep a constructive attitude Get appropriate support
I want to ( ) money from bank
Could you give me some ( )suggestions?
Bermuda Triangle is very ( ), because many ships were lost in this area.
Li Yong knows how to ( )with audience.
Keys to a constructive attitude SENSE OF HUMOR open-mindedness respect for others interest/curiosity in other people
Components of adjustment You feel OK about your interactions with people in the host culture. The people in the host culture feel OK about you. You can accomplish realistic goals. You don’t have any stress- related symptoms like sleeplessness, disappointment, etc.
Relax and enjoy your experience abroad!!
The child is going through a difficult phase. It is absolutely critical for us to know the truth. The plane landed without incident. Ann made a quick recovery from her operation. Her interest in art was stimulated by her father. To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colors. Sam's face was grey with fatigue. It gave me quite a shock to be told he was seriously ill. What are you looking so distressed for? Finally, her mind gave in to fatigue and she fell asleep. Please don't confuse Australia with Austria. Lately he has been moaning about his insomnia and headache.
One can get stomachache from eating hot food rinsed with cold beer. I feel no hostility towards anyone.