How to keep fit
To maintain good form one should determine an appropriate diet and begin to dedicate more time for exercises. We have to remember to slowly introduce new habits, and above all we must remember to rest after each workout. We should do the exercises that we like in order to avoid routine.
How to keep form We can start walking for about 30 minutes. Walking strengthen bones, reduces considerably the risk of osteoporosis. Walking does not strain the addition of our joints and tendons, so there is no danger of the occurrence of injuries and other painful ailments. Try to gradually increase the distance and pace.
How to keep form Swimming is a sport that develops the majority of muscle groups, and at the same time requires the heart and lungs work harder to increase significantly their efficiency. There are few forms of physical activity which affect the overall condition of our body. Moreover, swimming does not cause injuries, arthritis, and often helps a lot – water surrounding the body has a protective effect to our body.
How to keep form Cycling is another form of activity that increases heart and lung capacity, further developing the muscles of the legs and buttocks. The bike allows you to spend a pleasant time outdoors, and you can enjoy several trips. If you do not have a bike, you might be interested in offers of many gyms which are equipped with bike for exercises - devices that not only let you increase your physical condition, not straying too far from home, but also control the level of your heart rate.
How to keep form In addition, when exercising you should not forget about diet. We should eat foods rich in carbohydrates which are basic and the most efficient source of energy. Fats and fiber are also required to keep a healthy diet. In our diet we should avoid spicy foods and eat small amounts of salt.
How to keep form Fats can be divided into polyunsaturated fats that are found in oily fish and certain vegetable oils such as sunflower oil, and margarines such as Flora. Monounsaturated fats are found in olive oil, canola oil, some nuts and avocados. It was proved that polyunsaturated fats lower cholesterol levels, maintaining good heart health.
How to keep form Walk regularly, quickly reach the point at which you have a desire for more intense training - a natural solution in this case is running. Gradually increase the pace and distance, you will quickly achieve the productivity growth of the heart and lungs, while not over- stretching of joints and tendons. Besides, running improves your mood for the rest of the day.
How to keep form To maintain the good form we have to drink a lot of water. Not only it makes you feel saturated, but also hydrates your body. Dehydrated body has slower metabolism.
How to keep form Vitamins are essential nutrients, even small quantities are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. There are two types of vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins, which are mainly in animal fats, vegetable oils, dairy products, liver, and fish, and water-soluble vitamins, which are found in fruits, vegetables and grains.