Drugs Gangs Violence Incarceration Print & Web Resources Compiled by Reba Tierney
Cautionary Drug Tales Go Ask Alice by Anonymous (Beatrice Sparks) Crank Series by Ellen Hopkins Beauty Queen by Linda Glovach
Addiction A Hero Ain’t Nothing but a Sandwich by Alice Childress Dope Sick by Walter Dean Myers Bottled Up by Jaye Murray
Addiction Smack by Melvin Burgess The Year of my Miraculous Reappearance by Catherine Ryan Hyde Saint Iggy by K.L. Going
Raw Deal Street Pharm by Allison van Diepen Rx by Tracy Lynn (Elisabeth J. Braswell) Dreamland by Sarah Dessen
Steroids Gym Candy by Carl Deuker Crackback by John Coy Boost by Kathy Mackel
Gang Mentality The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton Durango Street by Frank Bonham Drive-By by Lynne Ewing Yummy: The Last Days of a Southside Shorty by G. Neri
No Way Out? Snitch by Allison van Diepen Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida by Victor Martinez If I Grow Up by Todd Strasser Autobiography of My Dead Brother by Walter Dean Myers
Star-Crossed Lovers Romiette and Julio by Sharon Draper Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles Street Love by Walter Dean Myers
A Way of Life Boy Kills Man by Matt Whyman Party Girl by Lynne Ewing Locas: a novel by Yxta Maya Murray The Brothers Torres by Coert Vorhees
The Life Always Running by Luis Rodriguez My Bloody Life: The Making of a Latin King & Once a King, Always a King: The Unmaking of a Latin King by Reymundo Sanchez Lady Q: The Rise and Fall of a Latin Queen by Reymundo Sanchez & Sonia Rodriguez
School Violence Lockdown by Diane Tullson Give a Boy a Gun by Todd Strasser Shooter by Walter Dean Myers
Juvie Nathan’s Run by John Gilstrap The Juvie Three by Gordon Korman We Were Here by Matt De la Pena
Alternative Placements Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen Boot Camp by Todd Strasser Holes by Louis Sachar
Alternative Placements The Girls of No Return by Erin Saldin Getting Somewhere by Beth Neff Shock Point by April Henry
Dealing With Family in Prison Tyrell & Bronxwood by Coe Booth Upstate by Kalisha Buckhanon Stay With Me by Paul Griffin Pull by B.A. Binns
Making Choices Muchacho by LouAnne Johnson Homeboyz by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Pain & Wastings by Carrie Mac
Doing Time Monster by Walter Dean Myers Looking for J.J. by Anne Cassidy Rikers High by Paul Volponi
True Crime Hole in My Life by Jack Gantos No Choirboy: Murder, Violence and Teenagers on Death Row by Susan Kuklin Fist Stick Knife Gun: A Personal History of Violence by Geoffrey Canada Hard Time: A Real Life Look at Juvenile Crime & Violence by Janet Bode & Stan Mack
Websites Children of Prisoners Library http://www.fcnetwork.org/cpl/cplindex.html Teen Help http://www.teenhelp.com/index.html The Coroner’s Report: Information and Resources on Gang Intervention and Prevention http://www.gangwar.com/ National Gang Center http://www.nationalgangcenter.gov/ Gang Information-FBI http://www.fbi.gov/about- us/investigate/vc_majorthefts/gangs
Taken from www.amazon.com & www.goodreads.com Images Taken from www.amazon.com & www.goodreads.com