5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl Ingrid Götzl City of Vienna TeleCities President.


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Presentation transcript:

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl Ingrid Götzl City of Vienna TeleCities President

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl What is TeleCities? A Pan European Telematic Network with more than 120 Members (Cities and Industrial Partners) for Placing the Cities on the European Urban Policy Agenda for Establishing Projects and Partnerships for Exchange of Experiences

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl Aalborg - Aarhus - Amaroussion - Amsterdam - Antwerpen – Barcelona - Bari - Belfast - Berlin - Besançon - Bilbao - Birmingham - Bologna – Bonn - Bradford - Bristol - Bremen - Camden London - Cardiff – Copenhagen - Den Haag - Edinburgh - Eindhoven - Espoo - Frankfurt - Frederikshavn - Geneva – Genova - Gent - Göteborg - Grenoble - Grosseto - Hamburg - Hammersmith & Fulham - Hagen - Heraklion - Helsinki - Huelva – Jena - Kingston upon Hull - Knowsley - Kolding - Köln - Leeds - Leeuwarden - Leipzig - Lille - Linköping - Linz - Lisboa - Liverpool - Livorno - London Lewisham - Lyon - Maastricht - Madrid - Manchester - Marseille - Metz - Milano - Modena - Montpellier - München - Münster - Nantes - Napoli - Næstved - Newcastle - Nice - Nottingham - Nürnberg - Olbia - Örebro - Palermo - Porto - Rho - Rome - Ronneby - Rotterdam - Rovigo - Sevilla - Sheffield – Siena - Southampton - Strasbourg - Stockholm - Sunderland - Tampere - Tranås - Torino – Turku - Utrecht - Valencia – Vantaa - Venezia – Vienna - Vilafranca del Penèdes Full Members TeleCities Members

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl City of Jun – Gdansk – Katowice – Lodz – Nisko – Ostrava – Swarzedz – Vilnius CIPAL (province Limburg and Antwerp) – Provincia di Piacenza – Technopol Brussels Observer Members apc interactive - British Telecom (Scotland) – CISCO Systems – CSC Austria – Ericsson – Elisa Communication – FABASOFT AT Software – ICL Interactive Learning – Microsoft – Oracle Business Members TeleCities Members

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl Aims of Cities´ Governments  Quality, scope and efficiency of Governance, Learning and Doing Business  Quality of life, empowerment and participatory opportunities for all groups of society  Economic competitiveness for citizens and especially SME´s

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl Vienna´s Aims Sharing its Know-How with other European Cities Co-operating in IT Projects Working most Actively to Increase the Success of TeleCities for the Benefit of All Cities Involved

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl Vienna´s TeleCities Strategy Enforcing eGovernment and Promoting the “Digital Include Society” Strengthening TeleCities as the Cities´ Representative Towards the EU Institutions Intensifying Co-operation of the EU Cities

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl Above all … “Co-operation and Social Inclusion“ is the basis on which to promote a city on the way to Information Society.

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl TeleCities Activities Policy Development Projects Services to members Events

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl Tele-Democracy in European Cities Interoperability on Locally Accessed Public Services eEducation for Employability TeleCities Policy Papers TeleCities Policy Papers

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl EU Funded Projects Exchange of Skills – LEONARDO Programme eCT – Electronic Calls for Tenders – eCONTENT Programme ODA – Open Digital Administration – eCONTENT Programme PACE – eCommerce in Public Administration

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl IST Programme (IST ) Support for PA’s e-commerce Learning Processes Formation of Integrated Learning Environment Public Administration, Companies, e-commerce R&D Projects and Policymakers PACE Project

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl  Trend Mapping Reports  Training and awareness raising sessions  Virtual Campus  Working Groups  PA2B  PA2C  PA2PA  Annual Conference  Website: PACE Activities and Outcome

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl Global Cities Dialogue Stockholm Challenge Award Global Junior Challenge TeleCities Initiatives

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl TeleCities Events 2001  “eEducation for Employment“ Huelva, Spain, 5-6 April  “one-city“ Edinburgh, UK, June  “Bridging the Digital Divide“ Antwerpen, Belgium, 8-9 October  “Secure eGovernment“ Nuernberg, Germany, 4-5 December

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl … the Most Comprehensive ICT Platform for Urban Development in the EU – an Indispensable Stepping-Stone for the EU on the Way to a Universal Information Society

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl The better the technical connections are, the more important is human interaction.

5 th Cities of Internet 2001 Ingrid Goetzl TeleCities Coordination Office Brussels Tel: Fax: Ingrid Götzl City of Vienna TeleCities President