Universal Design for Learning Creating a Learning Environment for ALL Students! Presenters: Michelle Arneson & George Van Horn.


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Presentation transcript:

Universal Design for Learning Creating a Learning Environment for ALL Students! Presenters: Michelle Arneson & George Van Horn

O RIENTATION Workshop Wiki  Participation Options (Volunteers) Collaborative Notes Live Chat

UDL S URVEY 1. Universal Design for Learning is a special education initiative. 2. Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction are different names for the same approach to learning. 3. Digital technology is a prerequisite for implementing Universal Design for Learning. 4. Educators use the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines to maximize learning for all students by addressing multiple learning styles.

UDL S URVEY 5. Universal Design for Learning and Assistive Technology are synonymous. 6. Gifted and typical students will probably not benefit from UDL. 7. Universal Design for Learning is nothing more than good teaching. 8. Universal Design for Learning requires educators to identify strengths and weaknesses for each individual student.

T ODAY ’ S O UTCOMES  Understand the concepts of Universal Design for Learning.  Know the UDL Guidelines and how they connect to the neuroscience of learning.  Begin to development professional development/implementation plan



W HAT DID YOU LEARN ? Variability is the rule, not the exception!!


P ROBLEMS WITH R ETROFIT Drawbacks of Retrofitting: Each retrofit solves only one local problem Retrofitting can be costly Many retrofits are UGLY!

UD - A C ONCEPTUAL S HIFT “ Consider the needs of the broadest possible range of users from the beginning ” -- Architect, Ron Mace


G UIDING Q UESTIONS FOR THE V IDEO What I know What I want to know What I learned


WHAT IS UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR LEARNING? A framework for designing curricula that provides rich supports to minimizes barriers which in turn maximizes learning for all students!

UDL--A CONCEPTUAL SHIFT First focus on the learning environment and then on individual students

UDL ASSUMPTIONS 1.Not one size fits all – but alternatives for everyone. 2.Not added on later – but designed from the beginning. 3.Not access for some – but access for everyone.

D O YOU B ELIEVE … Learners in any classroom represent a range of variability? Curriculum needs to reflect the variability of all learners? Learning is the dynamic interaction of the individual with the environment?

W hat are the biggest barriers to learning?


With a partner and one laptop, complete the following online learning module titled The Learning Brain: Your Three Brain Networks n.cfm?t_id=10


Recognition: the “what” of learning” Multiple means of representation Strategy: the “how” of learning Multiple means of action and expression Affect: the “why” of learning Multiple means of engagement

Pop Quiz

UDL and the Learning Brain IMAGE Verb generation task CAST©2008

GOAL To understand the UDL Guidelines and application to classroom practices,such as development of lessons. T HE UDL G UIDELINES

U NIVERSAL D ESIGN FOR L EARNING The goal of instruction is develop to “expert learners.” Strategic, goal-directed learners. Resourceful, knowledgeable learners. Purposeful, motivated learners.


Three Principles T HE UDL G UIDELINES Recognition Network The “what” of learning Strategic Network The “how” of learning Affective Network The “why” of learning

Three Principles Three Guidelines under each T HE UDL G UIDELINES


UDL G UIDELINE A CTIVITY Goal: Digging Deeper in to the Guidelines Strategy: Jigsaw Activity, Cooperative Learning

T HE G UIDELINES Multiple means of representation Multiple means of action & expression Multiple means of engagement

P ULLING IT ALL TOGETHER Use the UDL checklist to identify what you see demonstrated in this video clip.

What have we learned? What are implications for your professional development/implementation? Go to wiki and complete Evaluation CLOSING