8 th Grade French Class Nichols Middle School with MADAME ZAMOR
septembre Welcome! Nichols School believes strongly in learning a second language. Nichols School believes strongly in learning a second language. Students develop critical thinking skills. Students develop critical thinking skills. Students begin to think in complex ways. Students begin to think in complex ways. Students are asked to explore different cultures and perspectives developing their skills in empathy and understanding. (NOT weird. Different.) Students are asked to explore different cultures and perspectives developing their skills in empathy and understanding. (NOT weird. Different.) Students are going to learn how to: Students are going to learn how to: read French read French write in French write in French hear French hear French understand French understand French speak French speak French
septembre This is the end of French 1 Students will complete French 1. This program reflects the guidelines for most high school French 1 programs. Students will complete French 1. This program reflects the guidelines for most high school French 1 programs. They will continue in the Upper School and can complete their language requirements: They will continue in the Upper School and can complete their language requirements: 9 th grade French 2 9 th grade French 2 10 th grade French 3 10 th grade French 3 French 4, AP French and French 5 are optional in junior and senior year. French 4, AP French and French 5 are optional in junior and senior year. Because of the 5 th grade program, our students have been known to add another language at the end of their sophomore year. Because of the 5 th grade program, our students have been known to add another language at the end of their sophomore year. Chinese, Latin, Spanish Chinese, Latin, Spanish
septembre This is the end of French 1 In April, students will be programmed for next year. In April, students will be programmed for next year. Based on their performance, effort and discipline, students are placed in French Regular or Advanced. Based on their performance, effort and discipline, students are placed in French Regular or Advanced. Parents, in both sections, students are challenged, but we understand that some students benefit from a faster pace. These are students who are placed in French 2 Advanced. Parents, in both sections, students are challenged, but we understand that some students benefit from a faster pace. These are students who are placed in French 2 Advanced. In the Upper School, classes are conducted 80 to 100% in French. This is how I will conduct 8 th grade French. In the Upper School, classes are conducted 80 to 100% in French. This is how I will conduct 8 th grade French.
septembre Important Tools Required materials: Required materials: Vocabulaire progréssif du français pour les adolescents by Sylvie Schmitt (Clé International, Paris) Vocabulaire progréssif du français pour les adolescents by Sylvie Schmitt (Clé International, Paris) Grammaire progréssive du français pour les adolescents by Anne Vicher (Clé International, Paris) Grammaire progréssive du français pour les adolescents by Anne Vicher (Clé International, Paris) Larousse Student English- French Dictionary Larousse Student English- French Dictionary
septembre Important Tools Students need daily: Students need daily: a pen or pencil a pen or pencil highlighter marker highlighter marker Binders remain in class. Binders remain in class. A steady collection of index cards should be in their locker. In class, students will work with my powerpoint flashcards. A steady collection of index cards should be in their locker. In class, students will work with my powerpoint flashcards. They may bring their cards to class to practice with classmates, or they may leave them at home to practice there. They may bring their cards to class to practice with classmates, or they may leave them at home to practice there.
septembre Rules for class Respect Respect Trustworthiness Trustworthiness Responsibility Responsibility Collaborate to produce good work Collaborate to produce good work
septembre Grades will be based on homework (practice flashcards every night) homework (practice flashcards every night) completed workbook pages completed workbook pages quizzes quizzes compositions compositions blog posts blog posts revisions revisions group work group work trimester exams (November, February, June) trimester exams (November, February, June)
septembre Vocabulary – Go for mastery There are 1,100+ in the vocabulary book. These words are foundational and will be heard and re-used frequently throughout the French program in the Upper School. There are 1,100+ in the vocabulary book. These words are foundational and will be heard and re-used frequently throughout the French program in the Upper School. Students must master this French vocabulary. Students must master this French vocabulary. Students must remember how to learn additional French vocabulary. Students must remember how to learn additional French vocabulary. Lots of work with flashcards and daily practice Lots of work with flashcards and daily practice Students must study words from English to French. This is in keeping with Upper School methods. Students must study words from English to French. This is in keeping with Upper School methods. There is no such thing as I can’t. A Nichols student can memorize, but everyone does so at their own pace. Some may have to study more than others. This is normal as we are all different. There is no such thing as I can’t. A Nichols student can memorize, but everyone does so at their own pace. Some may have to study more than others. This is normal as we are all different. Students are responsible for this. Students are responsible for this. They will find great frustration with this course if they have not master the vocabulary. They will find great frustration with this course if they have not master the vocabulary.
septembre Master French vocabulary Study flashcards we make each night. Study flashcards we make each night. 15 to 30 minutes. 15 to 30 minutes. Study from English to French. Study from English to French. Students have practiced this method in class. Students have practiced this method in class.
septembre Learning French Grammar Students learn how to use French sentence structure. They: Students learn how to use French sentence structure. They: learn subject pronouns learn subject pronouns conjugate verbs conjugate verbs understand adjective placement understand adjective placement use key French idiomatic expressions and constructions use key French idiomatic expressions and constructions
septembre Learning French Grammar They need to: They need to: Notice and remember the way sentences are formed in French. Notice and remember the way sentences are formed in French. Understand the parts of speech in English and French. Understand the parts of speech in English and French. Compare these sentence constructions to English. Compare these sentence constructions to English. Write new examples to practice grammar. Write new examples to practice grammar.
septembre La Culture francophone dans le théâtre. (Francophone culture in theater.) Learn French with a theme. Learn French with a theme. We will ask an essential question. We will ask an essential question. Students will use vocabulary & grammar from workbooks to answer each question. Students will use vocabulary & grammar from workbooks to answer each question.
septembre Let’s ask an essential question. How do we show a francophone culture in theater? Comment montrer une culture francophone dans le théâtre? We will work with Ms. Olena this year to have students speaking more French by performing short plays in French. We will work with Ms. Olena this year to have students speaking more French by performing short plays in French. Plays apply vocabulary and grammar we are studying. Plays apply vocabulary and grammar we are studying. They are inspired by the cultures we will study. They are inspired by the cultures we will study.
septembre Let’s ask an essential question. How do we show a francophone culture in theater? Comment montrer une culture francophone dans le théâtre? Students will also show comprehension of text and culture by their ACTIONS rather than systematically translating to English. Students will also show comprehension of text and culture by their ACTIONS rather than systematically translating to English. We look at culture by observing and answering the following questions: We look at culture by observing and answering the following questions:
septembre Which cultures are francophone (French- speaking)? Which cultures are francophone (French- speaking)? How would you describe the people (or a person) from a particular francophone culture? How would you describe the people (or a person) from a particular francophone culture? Where does he/she come from? Where does he/she come from? Where do they live? Where do they live?
septembre What language do they speak? What language do they speak? How do they dress? How do they dress? What do they buy? What do they buy? How do they live (what kind of building do they live in)? How do they live (what kind of building do they live in)?
septembre What do they do? What do they do? What do they eat? What do they eat? How would you describe their family? How would you describe their family? What do they have? What do they have? What do they like? What do they like?
septembre What don’t they like? What don’t they like? What can they do? What can they do? What do they want? What do they want?
septembre Movies 1. Movies are shown with curricular objectives in mind. 2. Movies are viewed in French with French subtitles. 3. In order to observe francophone culture, we will watch the following movies: La Grande séduction La Grande séduction Kirikou et La Sorcière Kirikou et La Sorcière Lumumba Lumumba Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservation: Vietnam, Paris Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservation: Vietnam, Paris Haïti Eksperyans Haïti Eksperyans Amélie Amélie Banlieue 13 Banlieue 13 Scènes de: La Boum Chocolat Indochine
septembre Final Words 1. Students will take the National French Exam. In late February or early March. This exam will help students compare the progress they have made in comparison to students at a similar level in the United States. No studying is required. In late February or early March. This exam will help students compare the progress they have made in comparison to students at a similar level in the United States. No studying is required. approximately $4.50 will be charged to the student account. approximately $4.50 will be charged to the student account. 2. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via at or by phone at