God Sits On A Throne “God reigns over the nations: God sits upon his holy throne” – Psalm 47:8.


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Presentation transcript:

God Sits On A Throne “God reigns over the nations: God sits upon his holy throne” – Psalm 47:8

God Sits On A Throne… Many have not learned or have forgotten where God is in relation to his creation; they have their own idea of God; their problem is flippant familiarity with the God of heaven The God we serve is august, majestic, awesome (Psa. 45:6; 47:8; 89:7, 14; 93:1- 2; 103:19; Heb. 1:3; 8:1)

God Sits On A Throne… God is on his throne; he is ruling over his creation (Isa. 6:1ff; Ezek. 1:26ff; Dan. 7:9ff; Rev. 4:1ff; 19:1ff) –A majestic scene –One ruling –Fear, service, praise

God Sits On A Throne… It tells us of his rule, dominion, authority, power, and sovereignty over all creation It tells us he is Lord God Almighty (Psa. 135:5-6) It tells us that all things rest in the hands of God; not man, not Satan

God Sits On A Throne… Not in a theater seat – our worship is not to be “entertaining” to God; God is not a talent scout (Jn. 4:24; 1 Cor. 14:40; Heb. 12:28) Not at a boardroom table – we do not cast our “vote” with God for what we want to do (Mt. 28:18-20; 3 Jn. 9-10)

God Sits On A Throne… Not in a rocking-chair – we do not have a doting “grandfather” in heaven (Rom. 2:5ff; 11:22) Not in a musical chair – we do not pick God out from among all gods (Isa. 44:6; 45:5-6; Eph. 4:6)

God Sits On A Throne… Not in a Lazyboy recliner – we do not serve a God who is unconcerned about our behavior (Psa. 9:7; 11:4; Prov. 15:3) Those who truly recognize God on his throne now, will spend eternity with God around his throne in heaven (Rev. 7:9ff)