ARE YOU SURE?! Match each end-time event with its definition. A.Second Coming B.Judgment Seat of Christ C.Satan cast into the Lake of Fire D.Rapture E.Tribulation F.New Heavens and New Earth G.Great White Throne Judgment H.Millennium I.Marriage Supper of the Lamb J.Armageddon ____Our eternal home. ____The catching away of the saints. ____The greatest battle of all time. ____1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. ____Christ judges the works of believers and bestows rewards. ____The joyous and intimate celebration of God and His people. ____The 7-year period in which God pours out His wrath on evil. ____Jesus returns to earth with His saints. ____The wicked (dead and living) will be judged. ____This event marks Satan’s end.
ARE YOU SURE?! Match each end-time event with its definition. A.Second Coming B.Judgment Seat of Christ C.Satan cast into the Lake of Fire D.Rapture E.Tribulation F.New Heavens and New Earth G.Great White Throne Judgment H.Millennium I.Marriage Supper of the Lamb J.Armageddon ____Our eternal home. ____The catching away of the saints. ____The greatest battle of all time. ____1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. ____Christ judges the works of believers and bestows rewards. ____The joyous and intimate celebration of God and His people. ____The 7-year period in which God pours out His wrath on evil. ____Jesus returns to earth with His saints. ____The wicked (dead and living) will be judged. ____This event marks Satan’s end. A
ARE YOU SURE?! Match each end-time event with its definition. A.Second Coming B.Judgment Seat of Christ C.Satan cast into the Lake of Fire D.Rapture E.Tribulation F.New Heavens and New Earth G.Great White Throne Judgment H.Millennium I.Marriage Supper of the Lamb J.Armageddon ____Our eternal home. ____The catching away of the saints. ____The greatest battle of all time. ____1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. ____Christ judges the works of believers and bestows rewards. ____The joyous and intimate celebration of God and His people. ____The 7-year period in which God pours out His wrath on evil. ____Jesus returns to earth with His saints. ____The wicked (dead and living) will be judged. ____This event marks Satan’s end. A B
ARE YOU SURE?! Match each end-time event with its definition. A.Second Coming B.Judgment Seat of Christ C.Satan cast into the Lake of Fire D.Rapture E.Tribulation F.New Heavens and New Earth G.Great White Throne Judgment H.Millennium I.Marriage Supper of the Lamb J.Armageddon ____Our eternal home. ____The catching away of the saints. ____The greatest battle of all time. ____1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. ____Christ judges the works of believers and bestows rewards. ____The joyous and intimate celebration of God and His people. ____The 7-year period in which God pours out His wrath on evil. ____Jesus returns to earth with His saints. ____The wicked (dead and living) will be judged. ____This event marks Satan’s end. A B C
ARE YOU SURE?! Match each end-time event with its definition. A.Second Coming B.Judgment Seat of Christ C.Satan cast into the Lake of Fire D.Rapture E.Tribulation F.New Heavens and New Earth G.Great White Throne Judgment H.Millennium I.Marriage Supper of the Lamb J.Armageddon ____Our eternal home. ____The catching away of the saints. ____The greatest battle of all time. ____1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. ____Christ judges the works of believers and bestows rewards. ____The joyous and intimate celebration of God and His people. ____The 7-year period in which God pours out His wrath on evil. ____Jesus returns to earth with His saints. ____The wicked (dead and living) will be judged. ____This event marks Satan’s end. A B C D
ARE YOU SURE?! Match each end-time event with its definition. A.Second Coming B.Judgment Seat of Christ C.Satan cast into the Lake of Fire D.Rapture E.Tribulation F.New Heavens and New Earth G.Great White Throne Judgment H.Millennium I.Marriage Supper of the Lamb J.Armageddon ____Our eternal home. ____The catching away of the saints. ____The greatest battle of all time. ____1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. ____Christ judges the works of believers and bestows rewards. ____The joyous and intimate celebration of God and His people. ____The 7-year period in which God pours out His wrath on evil. ____Jesus returns to earth with His saints. ____The wicked (dead and living) will be judged. ____This event marks Satan’s end. A B C D E
ARE YOU SURE?! Match each end-time event with its definition. A.Second Coming B.Judgment Seat of Christ C.Satan cast into the Lake of Fire D.Rapture E.Tribulation F.New Heavens and New Earth G.Great White Throne Judgment H.Millennium I.Marriage Supper of the Lamb J.Armageddon ____Our eternal home. ____The catching away of the saints. ____The greatest battle of all time. ____1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. ____Christ judges the works of believers and bestows rewards. ____The joyous and intimate celebration of God and His people. ____The 7-year period in which God pours out His wrath on evil. ____Jesus returns to earth with His saints. ____The wicked (dead and living) will be judged. ____This event marks Satan’s end. A B C D E F
ARE YOU SURE?! Match each end-time event with its definition. A.Second Coming B.Judgment Seat of Christ C.Satan cast into the Lake of Fire D.Rapture E.Tribulation F.New Heavens and New Earth G.Great White Throne Judgment H.Millennium I.Marriage Supper of the Lamb J.Armageddon ____Our eternal home. ____The catching away of the saints. ____The greatest battle of all time. ____1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. ____Christ judges the works of believers and bestows rewards. ____The joyous and intimate celebration of God and His people. ____The 7-year period in which God pours out His wrath on evil. ____Jesus returns to earth with His saints. ____The wicked (dead and living) will be judged. ____This event marks Satan’s end. A B C D E F G
ARE YOU SURE?! Match each end-time event with its definition. A.Second Coming B.Judgment Seat of Christ C.Satan cast into the Lake of Fire D.Rapture E.Tribulation F.New Heavens and New Earth G.Great White Throne Judgment H.Millennium I.Marriage Supper of the Lamb J.Armageddon ____Our eternal home. ____The catching away of the saints. ____The greatest battle of all time. ____1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. ____Christ judges the works of believers and bestows rewards. ____The joyous and intimate celebration of God and His people. ____The 7-year period in which God pours out His wrath on evil. ____Jesus returns to earth with His saints. ____The wicked (dead and living) will be judged. ____This event marks Satan’s end. A B C D E F G H
ARE YOU SURE?! Match each end-time event with its definition. A.Second Coming B.Judgment Seat of Christ C.Satan cast into the Lake of Fire D.Rapture E.Tribulation F.New Heavens and New Earth G.Great White Throne Judgment H.Millennium I.Marriage Supper of the Lamb J.Armageddon ____Our eternal home. ____The catching away of the saints. ____The greatest battle of all time. ____1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. ____Christ judges the works of believers and bestows rewards. ____The joyous and intimate celebration of God and His people. ____The 7-year period in which God pours out His wrath on evil. ____Jesus returns to earth with His saints. ____The wicked (dead and living) will be judged. ____This event marks Satan’s end. A B C D E F G H I
ARE YOU SURE?! Match each end-time event with its definition. A.Second Coming B.Judgment Seat of Christ C.Satan cast into the Lake of Fire D.Rapture E.Tribulation F.New Heavens and New Earth G.Great White Throne Judgment H.Millennium I.Marriage Supper of the Lamb J.Armageddon ____Our eternal home. ____The catching away of the saints. ____The greatest battle of all time. ____1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. ____Christ judges the works of believers and bestows rewards. ____The joyous and intimate celebration of God and His people. ____The 7-year period in which God pours out His wrath on evil. ____Jesus returns to earth with His saints. ____The wicked (dead and living) will be judged. ____This event marks Satan’s end. A B C D E F G H I J
STATEMENT OF FAITH We believe Christ will return with His saints to establish a thousand-year reign of peace. After this will come the final judgment of the wicked, and then a new heavens and a new earth.
PANORAMA OF PROPHECY Fit the end-time event listed in Section I into a chronological timeline.
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Rapture First, there will be the resurrection of those who sleep in Jesus. 1 Thess. 4:14; cf. Rev. 20:5.
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Rapture First, there will be the resurrection of those who sleep in Jesus. 1 Thess. 4:14; cf. Rev. 20:5. Second, the living saints will be “airlifted” and changed in a moment. 1 Thess. 4:17; 1 Cor. 15:51-57; 1 John 3:1-3
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Rapture First, there will be the resurrection of those who sleep in Jesus. 1 Thess. 4:14; cf. Rev. 20:5 Second, the living saints will be “airlifted” and changed in a moment. 1 Thess. 4:17; 1 Cor. 15:51-57; 1 John 3:1-3 Third, there will be a meeting in the air with the Lord. 1 Thess. 4:17
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Judgment Seat of Christ Every Christian will be judged. Rom. 14:10-12
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Judgment Seat of Christ Every Christian will be judged. Rom. 14:10-12 Every judgment will be based on works. 2 Cor. 5:10
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Judgment Seat of Christ Every Christian will be judged. Rom. 14:10-12 Every judgment will be based on works. 2 Cor. 5:10 This judgment will determine rewards. 1 Cor. 3:8,10-15
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Marriage Supper of the Lamb A time of rejoicing and celebration. Rev. 19:7-9
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Marriage Supper of the Lamb A time of rejoicing and celebration. Rev. 19:7-9 Blessed are those that are invited. Rev. 19:7-9
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Tribulation It is a time of great distress. Matt. 24:21
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Tribulation It is a time of great distress. Matt. 24:21 Those in the “book” will be delivered. Dan. 12:1
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Tribulation It is a time of great distress. Matt. 24:21 Those in the “book” will be delivered. Dan. 12:1 Believers will escape God’s wrath. 1 Thess. 5:9,10; Rev. 3:10
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Tribulation It is a time of great distress. Matt. 24:21 Those in the “book” will be delivered. Dan. 12:1 Believers will escape God’s wrath. 1 Thess. 5:9,10; Rev. 3:10 Remember Abraham, Lot and Noah. Gen. 18:23; 19:12-25; 7:1
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Second Coming Jesus will return to the Mount of Olives. Zech. 14:4
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Second Coming Jesus will return to the Mount of Olives. Zech. 14:4 He will bring His saints with Him. 1 Thess. 3:13; Jude 14,15
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Second Coming Jesus will return to the Mount of Olives. Zech. 14:4 He will bring His saints with Him. 1 Thess. 3:13; Jude 14,15 World attention will focus on Him. Rev. 1:7
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Battle of Armageddon It will be God against evil.Rev. 16:14
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Battle of Armageddon It will be God against evil.Rev. 16:14 It will be a massive battle.Rev. 16:16
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Millennium It will be a period of peace. Is. 11:6-9
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Millennium It will be a period of peace. Is. 11:6-9 Satan will be bound. Rev. 20:2
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Millennium It will be a period of peace. Is. 11:6-9 Satan will be bound. Rev. 20:2 Christ will reign with His saints for 1,000 years. Rev. 20:1-6
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Great White Throne Judgment The wicked dead will be resurrected. Rev. 20:11-15
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Great White Throne Judgment The wicked dead will be resurrected. Rev. 20:11-15 Theirs is a second resurrection and a second death. Rev. 20:14; 21:8
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Great White Throne Judgment The wicked dead will be resurrected. Rev. 20:11-15 Theirs is a second resurrection and a second death. Rev. 20:14; 21:8 The Lake of Fire awaits unbelievers. Rev. 20:15
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Satan cast into the Lake of Fire
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Satan cast into the Lake of Fire Satan’s one last fling. Rev 20:7
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Satan cast into the Lake of Fire Satan’s one last fling. Rev 20:7 Satan will gather a great army. Rev. 20:8
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Satan cast into the Lake of Fire Satan’s one last fling. Rev 20:7 Satan will gather a great army. Rev. 20:8 God “BBQs” them. Rev. 20:9
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Satan cast into the Lake of Fire Satan’s one last fling. Rev 20:7 Satan will gather a great army. Rev. 20:8 God “BBQs” them. Rev. 20:9 Satan bites the big one. Rev. 20:10; Rev. 19:20
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER Satan cast into the Lake of Fire Satan’s one last fling. Rev 20:7 Satan will gather a great army. Rev. 20:8 God “BBQs” them. Rev. 20:9 Satan bites the big one. Rev. 20:10; Rev. 19:20 Constant torment with no annihilation. Rev. 14:11
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER New Heavens and New Earth It will be new and it will be grand! Rev. 21:1-5
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER New Heavens and New Earth It will be new and it will be grand! Rev. 21:1-5 It will be the reward given to all overcomers. Rev. 21:7
A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER New Heavens and New Earth It will be new and it will be grand! Rev. 21:1-5 It will be the reward given to all overcomers. Rev. 21:7 It will restore everything lost in the Fall – plus! Rev. 22:6
WHAT DO WE KNOW FOR SURE? We know…that we don’t know the day or the hour of His returning! We know…that we’ve read the final chapter and we know Who wins! We know…that believers have a hope-filled and heavenly future! We know…that unbelievers have a tormented and hellish future!