The English Revolution ended in 1660 when Parliament invited … return to England and claim the throne. Charles II 2. The period of his reign is called the….. Restoration 3. Why is it called this? Re-store the monarchy
4. He had to agree to the provisions of the Petition of Right and the Long Parliament. This new type of government was called…. Limited Constitutional Monarch 5. Two political parties developed in England and Europe for the first time. They were called Whigs and Tories 6. The …….wanted a strong heredity monarch but not an absolute monarch Tories ……The ……wanted a weak monarch and a strong parliament. Whigs The Merry Monarch
7. Parliament began to provide people with safeguards against arbitrary rule….. Define arbitrary – up to one person’s decision, without restriction; unlimited power ……7 continued….In 1679, the two parties passed the principle of ……which protected people against….. Habeas Corpus (“you have the body”) – no unlawful imprisonment right to be in front of a judge to be sentenced or released 8. Charles II died in 1685 and his younger brother ….came to the throne. He was a Catholic and believed in…… James II, absolute power
9. In 1688 James II had a son and Protestants in England feared…… A long line of Catholic kings 10. What did James II do to make people oppose him? Appointed Catholics to govt. and university jobs and encouraged freedom of worship 11. Now all opposition to James II demand his……and invited…… and …….to the throne Abdication – To resign, give up power ….William III and Mary II 12. Why were they invited to the throne and what ties did they have to the throne
Mary II was daughter of James II and she was Protestant 13. These events were called the…. Glorious Revolution 14. In 1689, William III and Mary II had to accept the document called the Bill of Rights King and Queen,,,,,,,,,,,and 1 st cousins….Charles I grandchildren
15. List the rights in this document King could not : raise taxes, or keep an army, or suspend laws without the parliaments consent Parliament would meet often and enjoy free debate Individual were given the right to : trial by jury, not be subject to cruel and unusual punishment, limited bail, appeal to the king and speak in front of parliament This is another piece of the English constitution.
16. Although England started to show signs of democracy, what aspects of their political system kept England from being more democratic? Voting rights = male property owners = only 4% of population Parliament members were not paid…….So???? This means only the wealthy could afford to take time to serve in Parliament 17. Following William III and Mary II, who inherited the throne? Mary’s sister = Queen Anne 18. Following the last of the Stuart family monarchs, who inherited the throne? George I
19. In 1707, England passed the ……. Act of Union which combined ……. England and Scotland……. and created……… Great Britain 20.Under Queen Anne, the cabinet became more powerful. Define Cabinet Advisors from the House of Commons *Identify Cabinet positions in the US???? V.P. and 15 others
21. The head of the cabinet and chief executive of the parliamentary government was called the …… Prime Minister 22. Who was the first in this position? Robert Walpole 23. He gained even more power under which King? George II List his powers.. Manage finances Appt. govt. officials Request passage of laws Assist in foreign policy