The Glorious Revolution of England pt. I Setting the Stage for Political Revolutions
What was it? ► The Glorious Revolution was the overthrow of James II of England in 1688 ► This was the first in the series of 3 political revolutions that shaped modern democracy ► France and the American colonists used the Glorious revolution as an example to limit government and secure the natural rights of the people
The Problems of English Monarchy 1. Since the Catholics and Protestants were continually fighting for power, the Divine Right of Kings became a political struggle 2. England had a Parliament, or Legislative government body, established by the Magna Carta in The political rights of Parliament clashed with the Divine Right of the King setting the stage for a political revolution
The Problems of English Government ► James II became the Catholic King of England since 1685 ► Protestants had control of Parliament and passed laws unfavorable to English Catholics ► By 1686 James was removing Protestants from high offices and replacing with Catholic supporters ► This was viewed as an abuse of the Divine Right of the King’s Power
Abuses of the Divine Right 1. Relaxed the Penal Laws, a series of laws that sought to uphold the Protestant Church of England 2. Formed a King's Political Party in Parliament to have more legislative support 3. Created a large standing army and employed Catholics in positions of power in the army 4. Declared Freedom of Religion granting Catholics more legal rights
Conspiracy and Revolution ► James’ daughter Mary, a Protestant was set to inherit the throne ► But James fathered a son during his Kingship who would then become the next Catholic King ► The idea of a Catholic Dynasty ruling England angered many Protestants ► 1688, an anti-Catholic group decided to dispose of James and put Mary and her Dutch husband William of Orange on the throne
Conspiracy and Revolution ► William and Mary began to plot the invasion of England and the overthrow of James ► The English army, mostly Protestant, fully supported William and Mary’s plan ► James awaited William’s invasion and refused outside help for fear of losing public support ► However James fled at the last moment and abdicated his throne
English Uprisings in December 1688 ► Riots broke out in the streets of London burning and looting Catholic homes ► Foreign embassies of Catholic countries were overrun and set afire ► A rumor started about an Irish invasion and 100,000 people joined together in London to defend the city
The Final Days of King James ► James returned to London to calm the public and run the government ► William decided that it was time to remove James from the throne for good. ► William ordered all English troops to leave London and not protect James which they did. ► Just as William entered London in December 1688, James abdicated his throne again
A New Government is Formed A New Government is Formed ► On December 28, William took control of the government of England ► William and Mary were crowned King and Queen of England in February 1689 ► Before they accepted they had to agree to the following: 1. To declare certain natural rights of the English people 2. To uphold the laws passed by Parliament ► This established the Constitutional Monarchy of England which they still have today