Greek word here is “thura” which is an open door to a temple or sanctuary Voice like a trumpet – Rev 1:19 So when is this door opened?
Who’s throne is it? 1 kings 22:19, Psalms 47:8, Isaiah 6:1, Ezekiel 1:26, Daniel 7:9 1 Samuel 4:4 Exodus 24:10 Sardius and Jasper Exodus 28:15-20
Attributes Thrones White robes Crowns 24 in total Called Elders
Crown = greek word “stephanos” which means victory crown White garments = garments of righteousness Elders = Angels are never called elders, only those within God’s church.
Exodus 19:16 Psalms 77:18 Ezekiel 1:13
So what is the meaning of: Lion - Noble Ox - strength Eagle - Swift Man - Wise Ezekiel 1 Isaiah 6:3
Then an Israelite King ascended the throne he received the following: A Crown A Signet A copy of the Covenant or Testimony – which is a Copy of Deuteronomy. Deut 17:18-20, 2 Kings 11:12
7 Eyes 7 Horns
When did this occur? Acts 2:32-33