Sermons From The New Testament
Thy Kingdom Come! Text: Acts 2 This Is The Hub Of The Bible!
Thy Kingdom Come! Psalm 16.9,10— (David, 900 BC) ACTS 2 Flesh Dwelling In Safety, Soul Not Left In Sheol (Hades), Body: No Corruption
Thy Kingdom Come! Joel— 830 BC ACTS 2— This Is That Power Poured Out From The Holy Spirit, Miracles, Great Changes, Salvation For Those Who Call
Thy Kingdom Come! ACTS 2 Isaiah— 750 BC Latter Days, Jehovah’s House Established, All Nations Gathered, Law Goes Forth From Jerusalem
Thy Kingdom Come! ACTS 2 Daniel—606BC 4 th World Power (Rome), God’s Kingdom (Church) Fill The Earth, Never Pass Away
Thy Kingdom Come! ACTS 2 Zechariah—520 BC “Crowns,” High Priest, Ruler, “Priest On His Throne,” Temple (Church), Those Afar Off Would Come And Build The Temple
Thy Kingdom Come! ACTS 2 Mark st Century People Would Not Die Till Kingdom Came With Power…
Thy Kingdom Come! Luke 24: Christ Fulfills ACTS 2 Scriptures: Law, Prophets, Psalms, Suffer & Rise, Repentance & Remission Preached From Jerusalem, Apostles Were To Receive The Promise From The Father: Power From On High (Holy Spirit)
Thy Kingdom Come! Acts 1.8 ACTS 2 Apostles To Receive Power, Holy Spirit To Come Upon Them, They Were To Be Witnesses…Beginning From Jerusalem
ACTS CHAPTER TWO… Destroys Pre- millennialism! The Kingdom Was To Come With The Spirit… The Spirit Came In Acts 2… The Kingdom Has Come!
Today’s Question: “WHAT SHALL WE DO?”