Gestalt Psychology, the Principles of Design and Advertising Art Direction
Design = Order + Beauty “The order the designer creates out of a chaos of pictures, copy blocks, headlines, and white space makes it easy for the reader to read and understand the ad.”
Gestalt Psychology “the whole is greater than the simple sum of its parts Visual Weight (see balance) Grouping
Similarity Proximity Continuity Closure (common fate)
Grouping by Similarity
Grouping by Proximity
Closure (Common Fate) AC13
Principles of Design: Balance Proportion Sequence (Flow/Movement, Rhythm) Unity (Harmony) Emphasis (Dominance, Contrast)
Balance Optical/visual weight (Gestalt psychology) Formal Balance(symmetrical) Informal Balance(asymmetrical)
Balance: Optical vs. geometric center
Formal Balance CHAIRS all kinds of chairs Big chairs, small chairs, formal chairs, informal chairs. If it has four legs and is designed for sitting, we’ve got it. LOGO
Informal Balance CHAIRS all kinds of chairs Big chairs, small chairs, formal chairs, informal chairs. If it has four legs and is designed for sitting, we’ve got it. LOGO
Proportion The “Golden Section.” aka “Golden Mean.” 2:3
Golden Section AC B
The smaller section is to the greater as the greater is to the whole. Thus: BCAB ABAC = ABC
Sequence (Flow/Movement, Rhythm) Natural entry points Common visual paths Directional cues
Natural Entry Points by Quadrant 41%20% 25%14%
Visual Paths CHAIRS all kinds of chairs Big chairs, small chairs, formal chairs, informal chairs. If it has four legs and is designed for sitting, we’ve got it. LOGO
Visual Paths CHAIRS all kinds of chairs Big chairs, small chairs, formal chairs, informal chairs. If it has four legs and is designed for sitting, we’ve got it. LOGO
The “Z” Pattern
Directional Cues Chairs Big chairs, small chairs, formal chairs, informal chairs. If it has four legs and is designed for sitting, we’ve got it.
Unity (Harmony) Borders Negative space (White space)
CHAIRS all kinds of chairs Big chairs, small chairs, formal chairs, informal chairs. If it has four legs and is designed for sitting, we’ve got it. LOGO
CHAIRS all kinds of chairs Big chairs, small chairs, formal chairs, informal chairs. If it has four legs and is designed for sitting, we’ve got it. LOGO
Emphasis (Dominance, Contrast) size position novelty tone or color
Tone or Color