INTRODUCTION The introduction has 3 distinct parts. Motivator = green It is green because it is the calm cool collected beginning to your essay. Remember that it is the first sentence of the prompt and you can use it in your essay. Thesis = red It is red because it is the “hot” part of the introduction. It tells the reader what the essay is about. Remember to include the author and title of the work. Blueprint = blue It is the deep blue ocean between the continents of the introduction and conclusion. It clearly states what is discussed in each body paragraph.
INTRODUCTION (cont.) Starting with the Greeks, playwrights have written comedies and tragedies. Tragedies were extremely popular then as now, and Aristotle stated some of the qualities that a tragic hero must have. William Shakespeare in his play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar clearly establishes Caesar as the tragic hero of the play. Caesar fits the criteria for a tragic hero because he is a man of high rank in society whose fate works against him, he has a tragic flaw, and his actions cause the audience to experience a catharsis. motivator blueprint thesis
INTRODUCTION (cont.) Once you have written the introduction, your next job is very easy because you basically have the conclusion written. There are a few simple changes that you have to make. Let’s take a look!
CONCULSION If you are working on a computer, you should first copy and then past the introduction. Starting with the Greeks playwrights have written comedies and tragedies. Tragedies were extremely popular then as now and Aristotle stated some of the qualities that a tragic hero must have. William Shakespeare in his play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar clearly establishes Caesar as the tragic hero of the play. Caesar fits the criteria for a tragic hero because he is a man of high rank in society whose fate works against him, he has a tragic flaw, and his actions cause the audience to experience a catharsis.
CONCULSION (cont.) Starting with the Greeks playwrights have written comedies and tragedies. Tragedies were extremely popular then as now and Aristotle stated some of the qualities that a tragic hero must have. William Shakespeare in his play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar clearly establishes Caesar as the tragic hero of the play. Caesar fits the criteria for a tragic hero because he is a man of high rank in society whose fate works against him, he has a tragic flaw, and his actions cause the audience to experience a catharsis. Now cut and paste the motivator (green) to the bottom (after the blueprint).
CONCULSION (cont.) William Shakespeare in his play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar clearly establishes Caesar as the tragic hero of the play. Caesar fits the criteria for a tragic hero because he is a man of high rank in society whose fate works against him, he has a tragic flaw, and his actions cause the audience to experience a catharsis. Starting with the Greeks playwrights have written comedies and tragedies. Tragedies were extremely popular then as now and Aristotle stated some of the qualities that a tragic hero must have. Now you must change the thesis by taking out the title and the author’s first name. Next, begin the sentence with In conclusion, Last, fix the wording so you have a good sentence. LET’S TAKE A LOOK! motivator thesis blueprint
CONCULSION (cont.) In conclusion, Shakespeare clearly establishes Caesar as the tragic hero of the play. Caesar fits the criteria for a tragic hero because he is a man of high rank in society whose fate works against him, he has a tragic flaw, and his actions cause the audience to experience a catharsis. Starting with the Greeks playwrights have written comedies and tragedies. Tragedies were extremely popular then as now and Aristotle stated some of the qualities that a tragic hero must have. Do NOT change the blueprint. Next change the motivator and make it you final comment. If the paper is about the entire piece of literature, you may begin this sentence with By the end of the novel, LETS TAKE A LOOK!
CONCULSION (cont.) In conclusion, Shakespeare clearly establishes Caesar as the tragic hero of the play. Caesar fits the criteria for a tragic hero because he is a man of high rank in society whose fate works against him, he has a tragic flaw, and his actions cause the audience to experience a catharsis. By the end of the play, Caesar has been dead since Act III, but he still has a powerful impact on the characters and the audience because he is such a tragic figure. new thesis new motivator/comment
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION MOTIVATOR –The cool green beginning that hooks your reader. THESIS –The red hot statement that tells the reader what the essay is about. BLUEPRINT –The beautiful blue ocean that states what is in each body paragraph. It connects the introduction and the conclusion.
SUMMARY CONCLUSION THESIS –The red hot statement that that begins with (In conclusion,) and you take out the title of the work and the author’s name. BLUEPRINT –The beautiful blue ocean that remains the same. DO NOT CHANGE. MOTIVATOR –The cool green ending that can begin (By the end of the novel,) and must close the essay.