John 21 Epilogue: Appearance by Sea of Galilee Probably added by final Redactor in latest stage of growth. No evidence FG ever circulated without ch. 21.
John 21 Epilogue: Appearance by Sea of Galilee 1.The Marvelous Catch of Fish (v. 1-14). a.Tradition may have circulated independently as story of first post- resurrection appearance (similar to Lk. 5:1-11). 1)Seven disciples have returned to fishing; nets are empty. 2)At dawn, Jesus appears on shore; tells them to cast nets on right side; catch so many they can’t haul in the net. 3)“Beloved Disciple” tells Peter, “It is the Lord;” 4)Peter puts on clothes and jumps in the water. 5)Jesus serves breakfast of bread and fish cooked on charcoal fire.
John 21 Epilogue: Appearance by Sea of Galilee 1.The Marvelous Catch of Fish (v. 1-14). b.Story is full of symbolism: 1)Echoes of Lord’s Supper (v ); in serving of meal they recognize Jesus (cf. Lk. 24:30-31). 2)Catch of fish symbolizes church’s mission (“haul” in v. 6, 11 is same word as “draw” in 12:32). 3)153 fish (v. 11)– number of species; 1-17 added up; gematria for “children of God.” 4)Untorn net (v. 11)symbolizes unity of church (cf. one flock / one shepherd in 10:16).
2.Restoration, Mission, and Fate of Peter (v ). a.Linked to “Peter’s Denial” by charcoal fire and 3-fold questioning. 1)Jesus: “Do you love me more than these?” 2)Peter: “Yes, Lord; you know I love you.” 3)Jesus: “Feed my lambs / tend my sheep / feed my sheep.” b.Peter is rehabilitated and put to service. John 21 Epilogue: Appearance by Sea of Galilee Tabgha, Harbor of St. Peter
2.Restoration, Mission, and Fate of Peter (v ). c.Probably no significance in variety of words for “love.” 1)Twice Jesus asks agapaō and Peter responds phileō. 2)Third time Jesus asks phileō and Peter responds phileō. 3)Some think Jesus asks for higher agapē love, then settles for the ordinary philia love which Peter offers. 4)More likely there is no real significance in variation, since elsewhere FG uses the two words interchangeably. John 21 Epilogue: Appearance by Sea of Galilee Tabgha, Harbor of St. Peter
2.Restoration, Mission, and Fate of Peter (v ). c.Prediction that Peter will die a martyr’s death (v ). 1)“Stretch out your hands” alludes to tradition that Peter was crucified by Nero. 2)“Follow me” – discipleship involves following teaching and example of Jesus. John 21 Epilogue: Appearance by Sea of Galilee Tabgha, Harbor of St. Peter
3.Fate of the “Beloved Disciple” (v ). a.Peter sees BD “following” and asks, “What about him?” b.Jesus: “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me.” 1)Implies that BD will not be a martyr but will live a long life. 2)Gave rise to rumor that BD would not die before Parousia. c.Redactor clarifies that Jesus did not actually say that. 1)Probably indicates that BD had died by time of writing. 2)Rivalry between BD and Peter probably reflects rival segments of early Christianity which claimed them as authorities. John 21 Epilogue: Appearance by Sea of Galilee Tabgha, Harbor of St. Peter
4.Conclusion to the Gospel (v ). a.Authority of FG rests on faithful testimony of “Beloved Disciple.” b.Ch. 21 offers three images of the tasks of discipleship: 1)Fishing – the mission task. 2)Shepherding – the pastoral task. 3)Witnessing – the task of bearing witness through death or in faithful living. John 21 Epilogue: Appearance by Sea of Galilee