TERENCE HANBURY (T.H.) WHITE Born May 29, 1906 in Bombay, India At age 5, White’s parents took him to England to live with his maternal grandparents while they returned to India. Established his reputation as a writer after his version of the Arthurian legend. Began OFK after re-reading Mallory’s Le Morte D’Arthur
THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING “The Sword in the Stone” –1938 “The Witch in the Wood” –1939 Later named “The Queen of Air and Darkness” “The Ill-Made Knight” –1940 “The Candle in the Wind” –1958 This was published with the other three books as a tetralogy. The Book of Merlyn was published posthumously in White worked on this project for 20 years.
OTHER WORKS England Have My Bones (1936) Mistress Masham’s Repose (1947) The Age of Scandal (1950) The Goshawk (1951) The Scandal-mongers (1952) The Book of Beasts (1954) The Godstone and the Blackymor (1959)
THE LEGEND OF ARTHUR The real Arthur was a composite of two people: Ambrosius Aureliannus Governor of Britons in the mid 400s AD Artorius Romanized Briton Military leader in 5 th Century England Became a legend by slaughtering the invading Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Badon Hill. Because of this, the Saxons did not fight for over 30 years.
ARTHUR IN LITERATURE 7 th Century: A Welsh poem, “The Gododdin,” portrayed Arthur as a fierce warrior 9 th Century: A Welsh monk named Nennius wrote “This History of the Britons,” in which Arthur is the leader of British armies against the Saxon invaders. He wins 12 battles and dies at Camiann. 1137: Geoffrey of Monmouth (England) writes The History of the Kings of Britain Contains Merlyn as an enchanter, Uther Pendragon as Arthur’s father, sword called Caliburn, Guenever as Arthur’s wife, etc.
MORE LITERATURE 1170’s: Chretien de Troyes (France) writes about various romances in Arthur’s courts. Lancelot mentioned for the first time Camelot mentioned for the first time Morgan le Fay as Arthur’s sister Holy Grail 1200s: Unknown author in France writes The Vulgate Cycle Galahad achieves the Grail and is son of Lancelot Merlyn becomes prophet and enchanter Mordred is Arthur’s son Arthur is carried to sea Final battle on Salisbury Lake
MORE LITERATURE 1469: Sir Thomas Malory (France) writes Le Morte D’Arthur Ideals of chivaly are embodied in knights of the Round Table Morgan le Fay is evil and tries to kill Arthur : Lord Alred Tennyson (England) writes The Idylls of the King Tennyson applied the legend of Arthur to his time period to teach people lessons of right and wrong (morals). What pieces of these legends can be found in OFK? Which authors are directly mentioned in OFK?
TRISTAN The tale of Tristan (or Tristram, “sad man”) and Isolde (La Beale Isould) predates and influenced the story of Lancelot and Guenever.. Tristan’s character is similar to that of Lancelot. Isolde’s character is similar to that of Guenever.
A BIT OF COMEDY The qualities of a good knight, according to Malory How T.H. White makes fun of those qualities in “TSITS” Hawking Hunting Fighting Harping and Singing Intelligence
PLOT DIAGRAM – FILL IN Exposition Initial Incident Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution/ Denouement
CONFLICTS Man vs. Self? Man vs. Man? Man vs. Society? Man vs. Nature? Man vs. Fate? (Free Will vs. Fate)
THEMES Education is of high importance. Right should triumph over Might. Might must be controlled. War is wrong unless it is fought to defend oneself. Fate and Free Will play equal roles in determining a person’s destiny.
OFK AS A GREEK TRAGEDY The ancient Greeks believed that the gods controlled a man’s fate, but they also believed that a man is responsible for his or her own sin. Free Will: Arthur pays for his sin of incest through Mordred’s treachery Fate: Uther raped Igraine, and Arthur has to deal with her angry descendants. Similar to Oedipus