MYTH 14 – LOVE YOURSELF, BUT NOT TOO MUCH 1. Why and how did Hera punish Echo? Hera found Zeus visiting Echo, so she takes away Echo’s ability to speak her own words. Echo is cursed with only repeating other people’s words. 2. With whom did Echo fall in love? Echo fell in love with a handsome young man named Narcissus.
3. WITH WHOM DID HE FALL IN LOVE? BASED ON THIS WHAT DOES THE WORD NARCISSISM MEAN? Narcissus falls in love with himself. The word narcissism means thinking too much of yourself and not enough of others. 4. What was his fate? Narcissus wouldn’t leave his own reflection in the pool of water and starved to death. His body was transformed into a flower that shares his name.
5. WHAT WAS ECHO’S FATE? Echo was so sad over the death of Narcissus that she wasted away until all that was left of her was her voice. Even today her voice hides in caves and repeats the words of others.
MYTH 15 - APOLLO AND DAPHNE AND CLYTIE 1. Why did Daphne reject Apollo’s advances? Cupid had shot her with a lead tipped arrow and made her hate Apollo. 2. How did she manage to escape him? She asks her father to save her by changing her form. She is changed into a Laurel tree.
3. WHAT DOES THIS EXPLAIN ABOUT APOLLO? This explains why the Laurel is Apollo’s tree.
He was cold to her and showed no interest. 5. What happened to her (What was her fate)? She died and was transformed into a sunflower. 6. What does this myth explain? It explains why the head of the sunflower rotates to follow the sun.
MYTH 16 - CEYX AND HALCYONE 1. Who was Halcyone? She was the daughter of King AEolus (king of the winds) and the wife of Ceyx. 2. Why did Ceyx go on his journey? Ceyx needed to consult the oracle at Claros because of the strange things that had been happening since his brother died.
3. WHAT HAPPENED TO CEYX? Ceyx’s ship wrecked, and he drowned. 4. Who is Somnus? Why did Juno send Iris to see him? Somnus is the god of sleep. Juno sent Iris to see Somnus to have a dream sent to Halcyone to let her know that there was no hope of Ceyx returning to her.
5. WHAT WAS THE FINAL FATE OF THE HUSBAND AND WIFE? Ceyx and Halcyone were turned into kingfishers. 6. What are halcyon days? Seven days before the winter solstice begins and seven days after it no winds blow. This calm time allows the baby kingfishers to hatch in calm and peace.
MYTH 17 - HERO AND LEANDER 1. What was Hero’s job? She was a priestess of Venus. 2. What was the problem with Hero and Leander’s relationship? Leander’s parent forbade them to see each other.
3. HOW DID SHE SIGNAL HIM TO COME SEE HER? She would hang a lantern on the tower of the temple. 4. What did he have to do to see her? He would swim across the Hellespont to see her.
5. WHAT HAPPENED TO LEANDER? A storm came up one night when he was swimming across the Hellespont and he drowned. What happened to Hero? She threw herself into the ocean and drowned.