The Aeneid Books X-XII Abraham Bluestone, Danny Rothermich, Liam Dougan, Richard Hollocher
Book 10 Characters Pallas Turnus Tarchon of Tuscany 11_75953.jpg
Book 10 Synopsis Jupiter declares that the gods will not intervene Turnus kills Pallas and haughtily rips off his belt. This makes Aeneas hellas angry Juno helps Turnus flee
Book 10 Analysis Divine interference Rage of Aeneas Juno and Turnus
Book 11 Characters Evander King Latinus Drances Camilla
Book 11 Synopsis Latinus and Aeneas agree to a 12 day truce to bury the dead A council led by Latinus agrees to let Turnus fight Aeneas alone, but Aeneas attacks their city before they can act The battle is joined and Turnus and Aeneas do not face each other
Book 11 Analysis Aeneas back as a Roman hero Importance of leaders Turnus as the antagonist
Book 12 Characters Queen Amata Juturna
Book 12 Synopsis Aeneas and Turnus prepare to fight each other amidst many delays Aeneas attacks the undefended city Turnus and Aeneas fight Aeneas slaughters Turnus after seeing Pallas’ belt
Book 12 Analysis Turnus is demoralized due to divine intervention on the part of Jupiter Even Juno can’t fight fate, fate always prevails Abrupt end