Fisherman Island National Wildlife Refuge American Oystercatcher 2004 Productivity
2004 AMOY Attempts
2004 AMOY Fledged Chicks
Summary of nesting American Oystercatcher monitoring on Fisherman Island NWR a 2003 a 2004 No. pairs monitored No. nesting attempts No young fledged17105 Productivity est Hatched young b (%) 30(56.6)28 (33.3)27 (45.0) Pairs that hatched young17 (35.4)26 (52) a results taken from Wilke b number nests known to have hatched from all attempts
Nest fate of unhatched clutches (n=33) in 2004 on Fisherman Island.
Brood Loss 11 broods lost <7 days 5 broods lost 7-11 days 5 broods lost days
Summary of nesting American Oystercatcher monitoring on Fisherman Island NWR a 2003 a 2004 No. pairs monitored No. nesting attempts No young fledged17105 Hatched young b (%) 30(56.6)28 (33.3)27 (45.0) Pairs that hatched young17 (35.4)26 (52) Productivity est a results taken from Wilke b number nests known to have hatched from all attempts
Summary of nesting American Oystercatcher monitoring on Fisherman Island NWR a 2003 a 2004 No. pairs monitored No. nesting attempts No young fledged17105 Hatched young b (%) 30(56.6)28 (33.3)27 (45.0) Pairs that hatched young17 (35.4)26 (52) Productivity est a results taken from Wilke b number nests known to have hatched from all attempts
Conclusions 50 pair produced 5 chicks in 2004 Impacts from predation need to be qualified and quantified Cameras in 2005 may provide nest fate information Mammalian trapping may have improved hatch rate but did not affect fledge rate
Alex Wilke 2004