Jeanette A. Thurston-Enriquez Manure-borne Pathogens: Impact of Animal Agriculture on Microbial Water Quality Jeanette A. Thurston-Enriquez USDA-ARS
Livestock Manure Increase in CAFOs 500 million tons/year in U.S. 26 million tons/yr in NE
Public Health and Animal Waste Animal waste agents Infectious bacteria, viruses, protozoa Chemical nutrients, endocrine disrupters, antimicrobials
Manure-borne Pathogens of Concern Protozoan Parasites Pathogenic Bacteria Fungi Viruses Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria
In order to determine the human health impact of manure-borne pathogens we need to evaluate: Occurrence Survival/Persistence Dissemination/Transport Manure, Manure Management Systems, & Surrounding Environment: Water, Air, Soil
Other Health-Related Microorganisms Fecal Indicator Microorganisms What? Traditionally, bacteria of fecal origin Total and fecal coliforms Escherichia coli Why? Indicators of fecal contamination Recreational and drinking water quality regulations Faster, cheaper, easier detection
Waterborne Disease in the U.S. 12-20 outbreaks/yr 10-100 x higher ~900,000 cases of waterborne microbial infections Up to 900 deaths >70% in >55 yrs
Water Sources Affecting Public Health Drinking Recreational Irrigation Foodborne
Contamination Routes RUNOFF Wildlife Agriculture Groundwater Urban and Well head impacts Urban and storm water WWTP overflow Septic tank leakage Agriculture Recreation Wildlife Groundwater Infiltration percolation Discharge
Manure Dissemination Land application Aerosol generation Leakage or overflow from storage lagoons or treatment ponds Runoff from feed yards, manure-applied land, pasture land, etc.
Well head impacts
Outbreak Source: Animal Ag. Walkerton, 2001 Land-applied cattle manure Agricultural runoff to groundwater supply Escherichia coli O157:H7 & Campylobacter >2000 cases 7 fatalities
Contributing Factors for Environmental Persistence and Transmission of Enteric Pathogens High numbers shed in feces Increased survival Low infectious dose Increased resistance to disinfection/treatment Multiple routes of transmission Animal and human infections
Potential Routes of Human Exposure to Pathogens Waterborne Drinking and recreational water Foodborne (can be related to waterborne) Direct contact, irrigation water, ingestion of contaminated produce Direct Contact Aerosol Transmission Transport to water supplies or food crops Inhalation of aerosols Contact
Possible Pathogen Transmission by Aerosols Direct transmission or deposition onto food crops, fomites, or water Biosolids Land Application Livestock Spray Irrigation
Barriers Against Waterborne Disease Drinking water and wastewater treatment Disinfection & Filtration Surface water monitoring/Source water protection Point-of-use devices—disinfect/filter Protection of recreational waters Contaminant monitoring Designation of specific uses
Agriculture: Limiting Microbial Transport
Limiting Microbial Transport: Manure Storage & Treatment Holding Ponds & Lagoons Compost
Limiting Microbial Transport: Aerosols Land application Pen scraping Top spray vs. drop spray Keep tractor speed low; scrape moist soil Low wind speed Wind direction
Limiting Microbial Transport: Vegetated Filter Strips
Microbial Reduction Prior to Land Application: Constructed Wetlands Alternative waste management and treatment technology Bacterial reduction: >80 % (prior to plant establishment) Protozoan parasite reduction: >60 % (prior to plant establishment)
Manure-borne Pathogen Information Gaps Environmental Loading Environmental Fate Treatment Effectiveness Alternative Treatments/Tech. Detection Methods Viability Sensitivity Specificity Emerging Pathogens **Risk Assessments Requires above information