Integration of CEHAPE into NEHAP2 Gyula DURA ’Fodor Jozsef’ National Centre for Public Health National Institute of Environmental Health, Budapest
Setting CEHAPE into NEHAP2 Hungarian follow up activities of 4th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health; Implementation of statements, recommendations of Declaration and CEHAPE
Environmental health is very important for Hungary Commitment of Hungary in strengthening environmental health policy This is supported by our legal provisions Act of 1991 on Natl.Public Health and Medical Officer’s Service in the Act on Health (1997 ) a whole chapter deals with environmental health issues Institutional infrastructure of environmental health The establishment of the National Institute for Environmental Health (NIEH) in 1998 reflects that in Hungary environmental health is a priority issue
Strengthening environmental health policy - National Institute for Environmental Health provides professional expertise – coordination of national programmes on environmental health ; setting up of requirements, including human health risk based limit values; collecting and management of environmental health data (spatial data processing, GIS for analysis of the regional distribution of mortality, exposure modelling, expert systems for chemical hazard assessment, interpretation/ integration of monitored data); environmental health impact assessment; development, calibration and validation of the chemical analytical and microbiological laboratory methods; models for chemical transfer and transport processes of environmental pollutants ; methodological and continuative education centre of environmental health; research on the effects of natural and built environments on human health. Environmental Health Surveillance, provided by Natl.Public Health and Medical Officer’s Service
The starting points of projecting the NEHAP2 1. The 4 th European Environment and Health Ministerial Conference (Declaration, CEHAPE) 2. The European Strategy on Environment and Health (June 2003, SCALE) 3. “The European Environment and Health Action Plan “ 4. The Resolution of the European Parliament on the European Environment and Health Action Plan for (February, 2005) 5. The environmental health subprogram of the National Public Health Program, approved by the Hungarian Parlament 6.The Environmental Health and Food Safety Thematic Action Plan of the 2 nd National Environment Protection Action Plan, approved by the Hungarian Parlament - results of the (1st) National Environmental Health Action Plan ( ); 7. The results already achieved in relation with environmental health - results of the (1st) National Environmental Health Action Plan ( ); - EU RTD FP5, FP6, 6 th Environment Program, Public Health Programme; - environmental health researches performed by national support (Natl. Hlth.Science Committee, - ETT, Nat. R&Techn. Development Programme OTKA, NKFP, Natl. Env.Protection Goals KAC5); - statements, proposals and programs related to sustainable development.
National Environmental Health Action Programme - NEHAP (1)
Goals of the 2nd National Environmental Health Action Programme to promote an environment supporting human health and improving the health status of the population, preventing children’s health from environmental threats, supporting local initiatives, cooperation with other sectors, improving education, information
The starting points of projecting the NEHAP2 1. The 4 th European Environment and Health Ministerial Conference (Declaration, CEHAPE) 2. The European Strategy on Environment and Health (June 2003, SCALE) 3. “The European Environment and Health Action Plan “ 4. The Resolution of the European Parliament on the European Environment and Health Action Plan for (February, 2005) 5. The environmental health subprogram of the National Public Health Program, approved by the Hungarian Parlament 6.The Environmental Health and Food Safety Thematic Action Plan of the 2 nd National Environment Protection Action Plan, approved by the Hungarian Parlament 7. The results already achieved in relation with environmental health - results of the (1st) National Environmental Health Action Plan ( ); - EU RTD FP5, FP6, 6 th Environment Program, Public Health Programme; - environmental health researches performed by national support (Natl. Hlth.Science Committee, - ETT, Nat. R&Techn. Development Programme OTKA, NKFP, Natl. Env.Protection Goals KAC5); - statements, proposals and programs related to sustainable development.
Declaration & CEHAPE RISK ANALYSIS Tools: indikátorok, PP, research ACTIONS EXPOSURE EFFECT children adults Natl. Env Prg-II. Publ.Hlth Prg EU Env & Health Action Plan
Strategic elements of NEHAP2 1. To put the approach of disease prevention into the national development programs and sectoral policies, in compliance with the environment protecting measures. 2.To reflect the responsibility for future generations, for the protection and the improvement of health, representing the heart of sustainable development. 3.To diminish those inequities in the safety programs that may be led back to enviromental reasons (environment safety, chemical safety, food safety, water supply safety, traffic safety, physical safety), with special attention paid to the most vulnerable groups of the population. 4.To make people choose and develop healthy environment, by supporting healthy settings: local societies, transport, schools and apartments, healthy villages and cities. 5.To encourage the implementation of health policy in the practice, by the effective environmental health surveillance.
Main directions of NEHAP2 in Hungary 1.Integrated environment and health information system 2. Reduce of the environmentally-related burden of disease, complex investigation of environment and health 3. Decrease of the exposure 4. Calling the attention, providing risk information, education, training and continuing education and providing information
1. Integrated environment and health information system To encourage the better sharing of environment and health data and information - those already existing and those completed by biological monitoring - to improve availability and comparativeness of the data EU EH AP, WHO/Euro project, NEPP-II, PHP
2. Reduce of the environmentally-related burden of disease, complex investigation of environment and health Environmental health research To reduce environmentally- related burden of disease. To prevent and reduce respiratory diseases of children, with special emphasis on asthma To decrease the burden of neurological diseases, caused by malformation PHP HUN_CEHAP
3. Reduction of the exposure To reduce exposure to outdoor and indoor air pollution To protect and decrease water-born diseases and unfavourable health impacts To decrease soil contamination and to increase the safety of waste management To diminish the risks of the exposure to chemicals EU EH AP, Hun_CEHA P Hun_CEHAP PHP
4. Calling the attention, providing risk information, education, training and continuing education and providing information Calling the attention, providing risk and other information; prevention of children’s accidents and injuries Education, training and continuing education NEPP-II., Hun_CEHAP EU EH AP
Children’s Environmental Health Action Programme aimed at: improving our understanding of the environmental dangers threatening the lives of the children (traffic injuries, soil contamination of playgrounds, children accidents, etc.) having more profound knowledge of children’s diseases ( respiratory diseases, asthma, bioallergenics, etc.) supporting the establishment of a sound and healthy environment ( air quality, urban and rural development, etc.) The state of children’s health is the measure of economic and social development! Healthy children have a greater chance to lead a productive and prosperous life!
Thank you
46/2003. (IV.16.) National Programme - Decade of Health (Parlament resolution) years’ tasks Reducing the frequencies of allergic and respiratory diseases and improving the health status of population. Analysis of soil contamination in residental areas and impact assessment of waste disposal sites. Development of Action Programmes to restore sound conditions. Making a survey of those buildings that pose a risk of being a source of asbestos. Mapping of dioxin contamination. Promotion of human adaptation to Global Climate Change. Improving the quality and sanitary requirements of mineral and medicinal waters. Development of Environmental Action Programmes and Computational Exposure Databases. Risk Assessment of Radon exposure in residental areas. Preparation of noise maps in districts burdened with heavy traffic.
Accentuated tasks in chemical risk assessment in Hungary (1)
Accentuated tasks in chemical risk assessment in Hungary (2)
Further promotion of implementation of chemical risk assessment at country level harmonization of legislation (chemicals regulated via different legislation) implementation of national action plans (e.g. as part of Natl.Env.Hlth Action Programme - NEHAP, Children Env.Hlth Action Programme -CEHAPE) adaptation of public health services to chemical safety priorities public concern/awareness as input for priority action improvement of education and training development of coherent research plans strengthening of databases on occupational accidents and poisonings, on ecotoxicology and env.fate)