Project IEEE 802 Executive Committee Study Group on TV White Spaces – ADHOC USE CASE SUB-GROUP TitleECSG ADHOC USE CASE SLIDE DECK Date Submitted xx Source(s)Contributor: Nanci Vogtli, Affiliation Concrete Logic Voice: (408) , Contributor: Richard Paine, Affiliation Self Voice: , Contributor: Dan Lubar, Affiliation RelayServices Voice: (877) , And others.. AbstractIEEE 802 ECSG on White Space ADHOC USE CASE slide deck to capture TVWS USE CASE Sceneraios PurposeTo provide input to the ECSG and others on possible use cases that will help clarify how the TVWS spectrum might be used and how these uses might possibly be addressed by IEEE 802 work. ReleaseThe contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE ’ s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE ’ s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802. Patent Policy and Procedures The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: and. Further information is located at and.
802 Whitespace Use Cases Richard Paine/Nanci Vogtli/Dan Lubar
Whitespace Use Case Review Group decision to discuss use cases based on the regulatory constraints 4W Use Case 100mW Use Case 40mW Use Case Future looking NOI Use case Shellhammer Input Broadband wireless internet access? Yes, with VOIP over the broadband, but may use the frequencies for other applications like sensors or in-home devices that do not require broadband wireless internet access. Ranga Reddy Input Ranga Reddy input - star/tree/mesh? Maybe? Have we covered sufficiently the requirements: Categorize by power Fixed, Master, client Identify all devices that might be involved. Contrast what is different between licensed bands and new frequency
4W Whitespace Use Case - Fixed Grain Elevator Enterprise Slaughterhouse Enterprise Waterpark Enterprise Hunting Lodge Fishing Lodge Agriculture Enterprise Military Equipment Public Safety Equipment Light Residential/Suburban Farming & Agricultural Ranching Mountainous Master Database Access Cell Towers Installable Private Comm. Systems Emergency Services Water Towers 20-30km Coverage Suburban Consolidated Access (MDU/MTU) Military Operations Public Safety Out-of-building in areas of weak TV broadcast signaling Towns Farms Suburbs Client
100mW Whitespace Use Case In-building or out-of-building in areas of weak TV broadcast signaling Suburban Neighborhoods Farm Wireless device access in a residence or farm or neighborhood Areas of weak TV broadcast signals Access Points – may or may not be for broadband Internet access Unlicensed Voice Applications – ex: Femtocell-like Point-to-Point Wireless Physical Area LAN 100m Residential Neighborhood or farm star/tree/mesh? Master Client
40mW Whitespace Use Case In-building in relatively strong TV broadcast signaling Areas of relatively strong TV broadcast signals with less bandwidth avbl Access Points Unlicensed Voice Applications – ex: Femtocell-like Point-to-Point Wireless Portability Body Area Networks (BAN) – may not be broadband Internet access Area Indoor Networks PAN 10m Master Client
<40mW Whitespace Use Case PAN Body area network support Areas of relatively strong TV broadcast signals with less bandwidth avbl Body Area Networks (BAN) – may not be broadband Internet access Sensing devices and microphones MasterClient
NOI Use Case Implications Should represent a “high power use case” than that of current TVWS R&O or its imminent R&O Errata NOI work status is unknown and may not be “in progress” Geared toward very Rural, very low density deployments Purpose may be to provide larger coverage areas May require database, sensing together & a higher power CPE May require adjustments/amendments to R&O’s “fixed wireless” rules
Discussion Inputs Use case: broadband wireless Internet? Not necessarily Whether to contribute star, tree, or mesh as a use case? Within a use case? Health issues Security Keepaway zones Use of the 4W by cell towers/organizations/safety/emergency responders/etc Economics of using competing wireless technologies (802.11?) Data base Sensing Protective Contours (Keepout Frequencies) Interactive radio station (IP-based transport) 30 min presentation on big Whitespace group at next Whitespace meeting Topologies depend on the use cases
Use Case Conclusions THE TVWS USE CASES WILL.. Will be part of a larger Wireless eco-system Be driven by both Markets & Policy demands & requirements Be hard to predict before we “get there” Will facilitate, and be facilitated by, innovation