Downtown Area Neighborhood Alliance A Neighborhood Partnership
Mission Statement To preserve, enhance and protect the quality of life in the Riverside Downtown area. Establish a grassroots forum where the concerns and ideas of downtown residents, groups, business owners and local government representatives may be exchanged, discussed and acted upon. Our commitment is to carry the voice of the downtown community to local government and organizations for the purpose of ensuring quality living, guided commercial and residential development, preservation of the neighborhood’s architectural heritage, the safety of residents and properties, and to build community cohesiveness.
A Partnership DANA is an umbrella group that brings together the efforts of: –Committed neighbors Residents and businesses –Dedicated elected representatives –Responsive city employees –Partner Organizations Riverside Downtown Partnership Riverside Land Conservancy Brae Mar Apartments Mt. Rubidoux Manor Friends of Fairmount Park Friends of the Fox
History Former Downtown Neighborhood Advisory Committee –Disbanded in 2003 –Primary purpose was to provide recommendations for CDBG funds –Functioned as a forum for neighborhood activists to address concerns Reformed as a neighborhood forum –Elected leadership –Established bylaws –Monthly meetings
Support from City Hall Office of Neighborhoods –Eva Yakutis provided initial encouragement and support Riverside Police Department –Chuck Griffits and Nancy Castillo attend each meeting City Council –Monthly report and discussion –Follow-up on reported concerns –Facilitate communication between residents and city staff and developers –Representation on city committees
Active Community Volunteers Keith Alex –Friends of Mt. Rubidoux –Re-green Evergreen Chani Beeman –Human Relations Commission –Community Police Review Commission Damon Castillo –International Relations Committee –Coalition for Common Ground Norman Gritton –Municipal Advisory Committee –Riverside Neighborhood Partnership Pete Kallinger –Parks and Recreation Commission –Victoria Forever Nanci Larsen –Cultural Heritage Board –Old Riverside Foundation Dave McNiel –Cultural Heritage Board –Colony Heights Historical Neighborhood Association Heather Troxel –Riverside Neighborhood Partnership
Advisory Representation Fairmount Park, Mt. Rubidoux and Tequesquite Park Task Forces Downtown Development Traffic Calming
DANA Projects Monthly Neighborhood Safety Walks –RPD Officers –Code Enforcement –Public Works Reporting Area Group Homes –RPD Transitional Living Homes Task Force Fundraising and Donations –Estella Perez’ Family –DANA Water –Founders Day Historic Home Tour Sponsorship Summer Concerts –Bake Sales
Fairmount Park Rose Garden 2007 Pruning
Fairmount Park Rose Garden 2008 Rose Planting
Annual Holiday Fun And Neighborhood Caroling
Upcoming Projects DANA Pride Awards Refurbished Sailboats at Fairmount Park Lakes Wildflower Seeding White Park Butterfly Garden
Why A Duck? Our Mascot!