Cortney L. Ohs, Ph.D. Aquaculture Ponds
Topics Site Considerations –Water –Soil –Topography –Types of ponds –Cost Construction of ponds –Levee ponds –Watershed ponds –Lined ponds
Water Availability –25 gallons per minute per acre Source –Wells –Springs –Streams Pesticides –TEST Water!! Alkalinity –80 ppm minimum
Soil Clay Content –Take samples at various locations. Water Table Wet soils aren't best! Pesticides –TEST Soil!!
Topography Slope –2-10% best Flooding –Do not build on floodplain!
Levee Pond Construction Freeboard and Depth –1-2 feet freeboard –3 feet in shallow and –6 feet in drain end Slope of Levees –3: 1 minimum –4: 1 maximum
Levee Pond Construction Size –Larger ponds are cheaper per acre –1-10 acres for new farmers Shape –10 acre square requires 2,569 linear feet –10 acre rectangular requires 2,729 linear feet Levee width –20 ft for main –16 ft for others
Levee Pictures Photos by Cortney Ohs
Levee Pond Construction Photos by Cortney Ohs
Newly Constructed Pond Photo by Cortney Ohs
Levee Ponds - Catfish Photos by Auburn University Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture
Levee Ponds - Shrimp Photos by Auburn University Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture
Small Research Pond Photo by Cortney Ohs
Graveled vs. Not Graveled Levees Photos by Auburn University Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture
Orientation Right angle to prevailing winds reduces levee erosion Parallel increases wind action action and aeration Site Preparation and Construction –Remove vegetation and topsoil. –Compaction is critical
Pond Drains Typically 6 inch pipe is sufficient for ponds less than 10 acres If ponds must be drained to harvest (shrimp) then use one 10 inch per acre of water PVC pipe Use anti-seep sleeve around pipe deep in levee
Pond Stand Pipes External Internal with swivel joint External Internal with swivel joint Photos by Auburn University Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture
Water Inlets Water source pipes should have control valves on them May be designed to flow into adjacent ponds Photo by Cortney Ohs
Electricity Electrical source for each pond
Lined Ponds Photo by Cortney Ohs
Watershed Ponds Watershed is containment free Depth is a function of topography Requires 5-7 acres of watershed per acre of water Must have emergency spillway