Pond SnailPond Snail
Appearance : Their shell colour varies from yellow-brown to dark brown or grey with a pointed end (spire). Their skin is also dark brown or grey. Size : Their shell can grown up to 6 cm high. Habitat : They live in ponds with slow moving or stagnant water. Diet : They feed on algae and rotting matter. Reproduction : Their eggs are laid in some sort of jelly capsule on aquatic (water) plants. Movement : They move by contracting muscles and moving along the surface with a gooey, slime-like substance.
Pond snails eat grains of sand which stay in its gizzard (stomach) and help it break down tougher plant material that it would be unable to digest. They can be seen floating upside-down on the surface of water taking in air. They can also get oxygen from the water through their skin. By doing these two things the great pond snail can stay underwater for months. During winter these snails burrow into the soft mud and hibernate. They withdraw into their shells and secrete a thick seal over the mouth of the shell called an come out again.
They lay eggs. The eggs hatch and turn into baby pond snails. The baby pond snails turn into adult pond snails. It mates with another pond snail.
How high can a pond snail’s shell grow? 6 cm What are their eggs laid in? Jelly What season do they hibernate? Winter Their shell colour varies from : green-brown yellow-black yellow-brown
Thank you for listening! by Alice and Lottie