Lake Cochituate State Park Vegetation Survey Results June 2006 July 24, 2006 Morse Institute Public Library Natick MA Photo: M. Gildesgame ©
Lake Cochituate State Park Vegetation Surveys: Introduction Goal of surveys was to update the status of the aquatic plant community in Lake Cochituate Surveys by ENSR International and GeoSyntec in three ponds of Lake Cochituate and Fisk[e] Pond during June 2006; follow up surveys in August 2006 Results are draft, subject to final quality assurance review The 168 survey points used are the same as 2003 survey in Lake Cochituate Fisk Pond had 20 survey points (new)
Lake Cochituate State Park Vegetation Surveys: Key Findings Overall plant coverage and density was similar to 2005 survey Eurasian milfoil found in all ponds except Fisk Pond; mostly low density except for South Pond and a few areas in Middle Pond Variable milfoil dense in Fisk Pond, a few plants in South Pond Curly leaf pondweed found in Middle and South Ponds Water chestnut dense in Fisk pond, a few plants in South Pond
North Pond Lake Cochituate State Park Vegetation Surveys: Next Steps North Pond 1.2 acres E. Milfoil (vs 0.6 in 2005) No other invasives found Buoy off all areas with E. milfoil to prevent spread Hand pull existing infestations & monitor Investigate new netting/ ”maze” system to allow boat passage and reduce fragment inflow from Middle Pond
Middle Pond Lake Cochituate State Park Vegetation Surveys: Next Steps Middle Pond 19 acres E. milfoil 5 acres Curly-leaf pondweed Mats at swim beach and boat ramp area Weevil pilot in high density areas (50 to 75% cover)- final location determined by consultant SolarBees, location to be determined in consultation with University and Solarbee –University to carry out study looking at if and how they affect invasives –Pre-installation monitoring through late Sept –Pond circulators installation late Sept/early Oct for 1 yr.
South Pond Lake Cochituate State Park Vegetation Surveys: Next Steps South Pond 44 acres E. Milfoil 3.9 acres curly-leaf pondweed 1.4 acres variable milfoil a few water chestnuts Prevent establishment of water chestnut with twice monthly survey/removal w. chestnut Possible SolarBee near Pegan Cove (proposed) Possible weevil pilot if not in Middle Pond
Fisk Pond Lake Cochituate State Park Vegetation Surveys: Next Steps Fisk Pond 35 acres variable milfoil 30 acres water chestnut Obtain dam inspection & report Consider nets in tunnel to South Pond, post warning signs Long term- harvesting program for water chestnut
Lake Cochituate State Park Vegetation Surveys: SPENDING PLAN
Lake Cochituate State Park Vegetation Surveys: Questions?