Fintastic Pond Fish Acclimation Guidelines Test the parameters of your pond water to confirm they are acceptable. (ammonia, nitrite,nitrate,pH, salinity, etc.) Before adding any fish. Target a water temperature at a minimum of 58 degrees Fahrenheit Float the bags in the pond for 30 – 45 minutes to adjust temperature. Open each bag and allow a small amount of water into the bag several times over a 30 – 60 minute period until the volume of water has doubled to slowly adjust the fish to your pond water. We recommend the pond be pre-salted according to the following –Plants: 1 1/4cup/100 gallon No Plants: 3 cups/ 100 gallon Gently remove the fish from the bag with a net/sock net, and place them into your pond. Do not put the water from the bag in your pond. Do not feed for at least 24 hours after introduction. Fintastic Pond Fish Acclimation Guidelines Test the parameters of your pond water to confirm they are acceptable. (ammonia, nitrite,nitrate,pH, salinity, etc.) Before adding any fish. Target a water temperature at a minimum of 58 degrees Fahrenheit Float the bags in the pond for 30 – 45 minutes to adjust temperature. Open each bag and allow a small amount of water into the bag several times over a 30 – 60 minute period until the volume of water has doubled to slowly adjust the fish to your pond water. We recommend the pond be pre-salted according to the following –Plants: 1 1/4cup/100 gallon No Plants: 3 cups/ 100 gallon Gently remove the fish from the bag with a net/sock net, and place them into your pond. Do not put the water from the bag in your pond. Do not feed for at least 24 hours after introduction. Fintastic Pond Fish Acclimation Guidelines Test the parameters of your pond water to confirm they are acceptable. (ammonia, nitrite,nitrate,pH, salinity, etc.) Before adding any fish. Target a water temperature at a minimum of 58 degrees Fahrenheit Float the bags in the pond for 30 – 45 minutes to adjust temperature. Open each bag and allow a small amount of water into the bag several times over a 30 – 60 minute period until the volume of water has doubled to slowly adjust the fish to your pond water. We recommend the pond be pre-salted according to the following –Plants: 1 1/4cup/100 gallon No Plants: 3 cups/ 100 gallon Gently remove the fish from the bag with a net/sock net, and place them into your pond. Do not put the water from the bag in your pond. Do not feed for at least 24 hours after introduction. Fintastic Pond Fish Acclimation Guidelines Test the parameters of your pond water to confirm they are acceptable. (ammonia, nitrite,nitrate,pH, salinity, etc.) Before adding any fish. Target a water temperature at a minimum of 58 degrees Fahrenheit Float the bags in the pond for 30 – 45 minutes to adjust temperature. Open each bag and allow a small amount of water into the bag several times over a 30 – 60 minute period until the volume of water has doubled to slowly adjust the fish to your pond water. We recommend the pond be pre-salted according to the following –Plants: 1 1/4cup/100 gallon No Plants: 3 cups/ 100 gallon Gently remove the fish from the bag with a net/sock net, and place them into your pond. Do not put the water from the bag in your pond. Do not feed for at least 24 hours after introduction.