Maya Braun (Israel) Adam Lipecz (Hungary) Samuel Nel·lo Deakin (Spain) Solar Ponds Featuring: The Zebra Layer Maya Braun (Israel) Adam Lipecz (Hungary) Samuel Nel·lo Deakin (Spain)
What is a solar pond? A pool of saltwater which acts as a large-scale solar thermal energy collector It includes an integral heat storage for supplying thermal energy
How do solar ponds produce electricity The water in the lowest layer heats up to ≈90°C The fluid inside the pipes turns into steam The steam moves the turbine The turbine produces electricity
Essential requirements for a solar pond Space Water Salt Sun
Energy Comparison Energy Source Generating Cost (Euro per kWh) Range of Power Oil 0.25 1kW-10MW Coal 0.03 1MW-1GW Gas Solar PV 0.80 10W-10MW Wind 0.07 100W-100MW Biomass 0.04 1kW-150MW Solar Pond 0.133 1kW-5MW (unlimited)
Advantages Environment friendly energy – no pollution! Reliable energy source Stores heat, so it can be used 24/7/365 Can be constructed according to requirements Low maintenance costs
Disadvantages Localized Low efficiency Space availability Salt and water supply
MAIN PROBLEM! Efficiency Low efficiency due to: Heat losses Bottom losses Top losses Radiation losses MAIN PROBLEM!
Our Solution Is…
Improving the efficiency! Decreasing the heat losses (bottom & sides)
The Zebra Layer® All In One solution Insulation + heat exchanging pipes People can easily and fast build new Solar ponds Just lay down the foil Create the salinity gradient Your Solar pond is ready to use! Really cheap
Conclusions Reasons of solar ponds failure Our “zebra layer” solar pond Complicated installation Easy to build Not efficient enough (only 17%) MORE EFFICIENT!!! We hope and believe that solar ponds have the potential to become an important source of energy in certain areas, and that the zebra layer will improve their functioning.
Thanks for listening! :)