Pond Design for Newport Primary School
The task is to make a design for the pond area You will be shown what the pond looks like now(you could also go an peak through the fence to see it). You will be given a design brief (what the school needs out of the pond area). You will be asked to research certain things to be able to design the pond area. You will be shown what you need to do for the design.
What the pond looks like now
Present plan of the pond
Design Brief (What the school needs out of the pond area) A safe platform to be able to pond dip from. Some pond plants to provide oxygen to the water An area for wildlife (bug hotels, wild plants for butterflies and pollinating insects) A boggy area Enough space for a class to use the area. Perhaps a place to sit.
Research You may need to look in books and the internet to work out your ideas. Here are some questions to help you Do you know which plants would be good for a pond? How do you stop the boggy area from spreading? Which plants would attract butterflies and insects? How would you provide a safe platform for children to pond dip from? Can you think of any other questions?
Searches Try some of the sites listed below. heshirewildlifetrust.org.uk/sites/default/files/files/advice_ponds.pd heshirewildlifetrust.org.uk/sites/default/files/files/advice_ponds.pd Or google wildlife ponds
What you need to do Draw your ideas and use labels to explain what you have drawn. Make a plan of the area with your ideas on it Write down why you have chosen particular things to go in your design. (Lower KS1 can draw and say what their ideas are) Give your plan to Mr Howett on Monday 24 February