Buca pond’s has got beautiful space but people not use that area in every season, because of design problems GOODNESS BADNESS Good natural not protect human Useful areas and space not protect natural Cafes and restaurants far to city not gives to relax feels in every season not enough walking ways Those results are come from my researches and questionnaire
WALKING WAYS Buca pond has got large area but there are not enough walking way in there. In winter or in rain people not to walks there easy. Ground get wet and weather gives to more problems. Blue colors- todays walking ways Red colors – addition
Other problems of ways Red colors: addition
TREES Buca pond has got good natural but it has not got enough trees.
People wants to take rest under shadow Kaplan theory, natural gives human relaxing and good feel
activity Buca pond has got many activity place Cafes Restaurants Bars Théâtre antique Kermess areas
Restaurants Buca pond has got 2 restaurants. Fish’s restaurant and meat restaurant Total 900 people use restaurants.
Théâtre antique
Kermess areas
natural Buca pond has got many animals, fishes, ducks and water turtles WE MUST CLEAN POND AND IT’S ENVIRONMENT
Parking areas Governments takes expencive taxes from parking place so people put their car near street
All those activity areas not working together because of some design problem. Because they are far together and there is any elements protect people from out side and weather or not enough way to connect them But we adding some design solution and works them to gether in every season Yellow part - Théâtre antique Green part – meat restaurant Blue part – fish restaurant Red part – cafes Purple part – kermess area
WALKING WAYS Buca pond has got large area but there are not enough walking way in there. In winter or in rain people not to walks there easy. Ground get wet and weather gives to more problems. Blue colors- todays walking ways Red colors – addition
references Environmental psychology lesson in University of Economics Buca Municipality, information department. Habraken, N. J. and Teicher, Jonathan (Eds.) The Structure of the Ordinary: Form and Control in the Built Environment. Boston: The MIT Press.HabrakenJonathan Bell, P.A.; Greene, T. C.; Fisher, J. D.; Baum, A Environmental Psychology. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY page: