Meghalaya State Aquaculture Mission Meghalaya State Aquaculture Mission (MSAM) was launched on the 5 th March, The objective is to create 1.00 lakh fish ponds covering a total water area of 10,000 Ha with the targeted fish production of 20,000 MT annually. The Mission is coined with one and yet powerful slogan “Dependence to Self-sufficiency”
Launching of MSAM on the 5 th March, 2012
Mini Mission I : Area and Productivity Expansion Mini Mission II : Critical Infrastructure Development Mini Mission III : Establishing sanctuaries for conserving the indigenous and endemic species Mini Mission IV : Capacity Building and Human Resource Development Mini Mission V : Mass Media Campaign, Documentation and Outreach Mini Mission VI : Emerging opportunities in the Fisheries Sector Meghalaya State Aquaculture Mission (MSAM) comprises of 6 (six) Mini-Missions
Mini Mission I : Area and Productivity Expansion During , the Government has sanctioned Rs 32.4 Crores under State Livelihood Mission (SPA) and Rs 5 Crores under Value Chain Management. The amount is utilized for assistance to the individual fish farmers, ethnic victims of 0.1 Ha ponds as follows: Assistance is 60% subsidy, 25% Bank Loan and 15% Own contribution.
Meghalaya State Aquaculture Mission 1. Assistance to Individual Fish Farmers Nos. Water area In Ha Subsidy Rs in Lakhs Training cost, Administrative cost, TE etc Total column 3 & (Rs. In lakhs) 2. Financial support at 100% to 220 Ethnic victims of East Garo Hills and 42 Ethnic Victims of Langpih, West Khasi Hills i.e. total 262 numbers. Nos. of beneficiariesWater area in HaSubsidy Rs in LakhsRemarks Scheme implemented (Rs. In lakhs) 3. Value Chain Management - Rs 5.00 Crores Nos. of beneficiariesWater area in HaSubsidyRemarks Scheme implementation under process Total = No. of beneficiaries = 6780 Water area = 678 Ha Subsidy = Training cost, Administrative cost, TE etc = (Rs. In lakhs)
Success stories of the Meghalaya State Aquaculture Mission (MSAM) Pond of Shri Khonglah, Umkiang East Jaintia Hills The pond is about 0.2 Ha. Initially fish production is 300Kg annually with a turnover of Rs 40, ,000/- annually This has Contributed towards his family income and created awareness to the public about the importance of Fish culture and its impact on rural economy
Pond of Shri Koinath Marak, Chenggalgre, West Garo Hills The pond is of 0.2 Ha. Annual Fish Production Kg Through the sale of Fish he could sent his children to better schools.
Pond of Shri Teibor Hinge, Ïawmusiang - West Jaintia Hills District Fish pond of 0.3 Ha. During 2012, fish production is Kg and earned an income of Rs 97,500/- His financial status is improved and able to provide employment to his nephew.
Pond of Shri Dhaneswar Rabha - North Garo Hills District Shri. Dhaneswar Rabha of NGHD has a fish pond of 0.1 ha. Through this project he has produced 300 kg of fish and earned Rs. 30,000/- which has contributed to his family income
Pond of Shri Rojendro Marngar, Mawten Village - South West Khasi Hills District The site is surrounded on all sides by beautiful hillocks. The project has been able to contribute Rs. 30,000/- to his annual income. Besides able to provide employment to local youth in guarding and maintenance.
Pond of Smti. Matilda Suting, Mawiambei Village - Ri-Bhoi District Through this project the owner has been able to earn Rs. 50,000/- from the sale of fishes of 0.4 ha pond. The revenue received is utilised for school fees, purchase of medicine for the family and minor repair works of her house.
MSAM- Infrastructure for Pisciculture, SPA( ) During the year the Government has sanctioned an amount of Rs Crores for Area Expansion for the development of 830 Ha water area, of individual ponds. (Rs. In lakhs) No. of beneficiaries Water Area in Ha Subsidy (Assistance) Rs. in lakhs Administrative cost, Training cost etc. Remarks Identification of the beneficiaries under progress MSAM - Corpus fund, RKVY ( ) Rs 7.33 crores Items / programmes No. of beneficiar ies Water area (in ha) of 0.1 Ha each Subsidies Administrative expenses, training, O.E, Advertisement etc. TotalRemarks Area expansion for individual ponds Identification of the beneficiaries under progress (Rs. In lakhs)
Mini Mission II : Critical Infrastructure Development Fish Seed Production (i) Establishment of Fish Seed hatcheries in Private sectors 12 (Twelve) entrepreneurs are assisted for the “Establishment of Fish Seed hatcheries” during & The entrepreneurs have been trained at CIFA Bhubaneshwar Orissa and Kalyani West Bengal..No. of beneficiaries Assisted during & Total project lakh each Subsidy (Assistance) 60% Bank loan 25% Own contributio n 15% Remarks Each hatchery is targeted to produce 24 lakhs fingerlings annually (Rs. In lakhs)
Hatchery constructed under MSAM in West Garo Hills
Hatchery constructed under MSAM in East Khasi Hills
(ii) Establishment of Fabricated Reinforced Plastic (FRP) hatcheries in Private Sector: 14 (Fourteen) entrepreneurs of the state are being assisted for Establishment of Fabricated Reinforced Plastic (FRP) hatcheries during for fish seed production The entrepreneurs were trained at MSFR&TI Mawpun, Meghalaya (Rs. In lakhs) No. of beneficiaries Project Rs 3.95,640 each Subsidy 60% Bank loan 25% Own contribution 15% Remarks ,23, , Each FRP is targeted to produce 10 lakhs fingerlings annually
Fish Feed Mills Three fish feed mills will be established in the state through private sectors during the current year. Project cost of each feed mill is Rs 18 lakhs where 60% is subsidy, 25% Bank loan and 15% own contribution. Preliminary works under progress. Entrepreneurs will be trained at CIFA Bhubaneshwar or any reputed institutions.
Mini Mission III : Establishing sanctuaries for conserving the indigenous and endemic species In order to conserve the indigenous and endemic species of the state 54 (fifty four) fish sanctuaries at an estimated cost of Rs Lakh each are being created Some of the established sanctuaries No. of sanctuaries to be created Estimated 5 lakhs each Remarks Steps for implementation of the scheme is under process (Rs. In lakhs)
Fish sanctuaries in West Garo Hills
Fish sanctuaries in West Khasi Hills
Nongbareh Fish sanctuary - Jaintia Hills
Mini Mission IV : Capacity Building and Human Resource Development i. Training of Departmental Officers 29 (twenty nine) Departmental Officers/ FFDA officials have been sent for training within the state, outside the state and outside the country. ii. Training of Potential Fish Farmers: (a)Training centre NIRD-Guwahati Till date 1200 potential fish farmers have been trained under this institution. (b)The Meghalaya State Fisheries Research & Training Institute Recently inaugurated on the 2 nd May, The Institution aims in imparting training to all the fish farmers, potential fish farmers, of the state as a whole. Till date, 320 numbers have been trained.
Awards: 11 (eleven) fish farmers of the state have been awarded with “Awards for excellence in Fisheries Sector” to acknowledge, recognize and reward the extraordinary and innovative work done by the fish farmers etc. Awardees receiving the awards from Shri. W.M.S. Pariat, Chief Secretary of Meghalaya
Mini Mission V : Mass Media Campaign, Documentation and Outreach (i) Outreach Programme/ Fish Festival. Two State Aqua Fest were held at Shillong and Tura on the 6 th - 7 th and 15 th November 2013 respectively. (ii) Workshops, Departmental meetings etc. Departmental meetings/workshops to review the progress on the implementation of MSAM schemes are being held regularly (iii) Inauguration of 1str pond constructed under MSAM Symbolic inauguration of the 1 st pond constructed under MSAM were organized in all the 11 (eleven) District of the state. (iv) Theme song A theme song of the Meghalaya State Aquaculture Mission was composed and released on the 8 th June, The message of the song is to create awareness about the objectives of the MSAM (Dependence to self Sufficiency), which was also translated into Khasi and Garo versions.
Fish festival at Shillong on 6 th & 7 th November, 2013
Fish festival at Tura on 15 th November, 2013
Mini Mission VI : Emerging opportunities in the Fisheries Sector Aqua Tourism/ Aqua Parks: Through the Mission investments will be made to develop the following Aqua Parks/Aqua Tourism during the current year. Sl. No. Particulars/ itemsAmount 1.Development of Aqua Parks/ Tourism at Jaud East Khasi Hills Development of aqua Parks/ Torism at Phot-ja-ud, Mawkyrwat Development of Aqua Parks/ Touyrism at the Project of Kiew Irat, Ri-Bhoi District Developmentv of Aqua Parks/ Tourism at Chengga Benga, Betasing Block, South West Garo Hills (Rs. In lakhs)
Convergence of Aquaculture Mission with other Schemes, Agency and Department Convergence of MSAM with relevant Departments will be taken up wherever applicable. MIS and Knowledge Management In order to provide timely information to the public with respect to the activities, Schemes, opportunities, etc available through the Meghalaya State Aquaculture Mission a website has been launched.
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