INTRO TO GIS – FALL 2008 TEAM MEMBERS Brett Brassell, Brent Jordan, Chad Stanley and Curtis Epley INSTRUCTOR PAUL LOWREY
INTRODUCTION Use GIS and other technologies to create an informative map of NWACC’s “Back 40” Focus of map: – Wooded & Pond area’s total acreage
PROJECT OVERVIEW Collect data using GPS and other resources Work as a team using our GIS education as well as other technologies to create a map showing the percent of wooded area on NWACC’s “Back 40”.
Community Help people at NWACC more fully understand how to best utilize this acreage. Facilitate more study and research – Using our map as a tool for other disciplines to do projects related to their field of study
Technology is the key to reaching our goal! We utilized skills acquired in our GIS course – Collecting data – Loading data into ArcGis program – Add various data features to our map – Perform calculations within the GIS program Tools and programs needed include: – Microsoft office tools – ArcGIS program – GPS devices – Digital camera – Internet Other technologies may be needed to help produce the desired product
A team of individuals Hands on opportunity to work as a team utilizing the education we have learned in our intro to GIS course We as individuals will be responsible for knowing what is expected of each of us in order to make our team and our project successful We used a website called Wiki to help in our coordination of documents and our group communication.
What does the “Back 40” look like? Features of this undeveloped land – Pond – 2 stands of primarily hardwood trees separated by pasture land – A large portion of field Upon our first proposal we were to research the ‘suspected’ MIMA mounds in the field areas, but with further internet research of MIMA mounds, our GIS class members firmly conclude that there are no MIMA mounds in NWACC’ back 40.
Method Chad, Brett, & Brent checked out GPS units from our GIS instructor Paul Lowrey. Used GPS to collect data around the pond and forested areas north of NWACC’s student center. Took data back to the NWACC’s EAST computer lab where we loaded the data along with the aerial photo into the GIS program so Curtis could produce the final map layout…
Field Work Photos Chad
RESULTS Our study shows that NWACC’s “Back 40” actually consists of approximately acres. (oh no, should we call it NWACC’s back 88? :) 15% or approximately acres are wooded, consisting of mostly post oak and cedar trees. The area of the pond is about ½ an acre The rest of the acreage is pasture land
Distribution of Labor Curtis Epley– Map layout and Power Point Presentation Brent Jordan – Data collection, Field Calculations, Field Photographer Chad Stanley – Data collection, plotting of points and plotted wooded area and pond. Brett Brassell – Data collection and data entry
Future Related Projects This study would lead into various different projects that could build on what we’ve learned. Land use studies Ecology studies Forestry studies Land preservation ideas Nature trail or recreational use ideas
Community Resources – Paul Lowrey, Intro GIS Instructor – – Google earth – ArcGIS 9.3 – City of Bentonville GIS base map – C. Dianne Phillips, EAST/EMPACTS Facilitator – – Jim Wheeles GIS coordinator for Benton County