Wisconsin Ephemeral Ponds Project Citizen Monitoring Network W ISCONSIN E PHEMERAL P ONDS P ROJECT – CITIZEN MONITORING NETWORK Connecting People to Wetlands.


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Presentation transcript:

Wisconsin Ephemeral Ponds Project Citizen Monitoring Network W ISCONSIN E PHEMERAL P ONDS P ROJECT – CITIZEN MONITORING NETWORK Connecting People to Wetlands

What is an ‘Ephemeral Pond?’ Depressional Pond Autumnal Pool Vernal Pool Woodland Pond Ephemeral Depression Prairie Pothole Seasonal Pool So many names! National Geographic Magazine-April, 1999 Photo by George Grall Where does it occur? When does it occur?

And they can look so different! Riverbend NC UWM Field Station Harrington Beach SP Hawthorn Hills Richard Bong SRA Kettle Moraine SF Greenfield Park

Ephemeral Pond Definition Depressional wetland with ponded water during spring and summer but regularly dries by early fall. Isolated DriesAnnually NaturalOrArtificial Wooded or Open

Breeding Grounds! National Geographic Magazine-April, 1999 Photos by George Grall

Critical Reproduction Habitat National Geographic Magazine-April, 1999 Photos by George Grall

Birds and Mammals

Epicenters of Species Diversity

WEPP Goals – Building a Foundation Create a process to map and document ephemeral ponds in Wisconsin. Study ephemeral ponds to identify the different kinds, and to learn more about the diversity of plants and animals that depend upon them. Share the knowledge on the ecological value of ephemeral ponds by … Engage citizen support in wetland conservation through monitoring partnerships that connect people to the importance and responsibility of protecting wetlands for future generations.

Why do we need Citizen Monitors?

WEPP 2009 Includes Interpretation of air photos to map what may be Ephemeral Ponds (done) 2. Using #1, Visit sites to verify (ground- truth) map locations & improve mapping methods 3. Collect baseline data to describe the different types of ponds Establish selected EPs for long-term monitoring and reference sites

Collect, record and submit data via protocols Monitor minimum 3 sites Adhere to a monitoring schedule (approx. 4 visits per site) Communicate– needs, insights, evaluation Report data to your local partner Record and submit time & travel logs Spread the word & HAVE FUN! What’s my Commitment?

What can I expect from my Partners?

DNR/UWEX (What do they do anyway?) Partner Support Protocol & Training Development Data Management Reporting Program Evaluation

Wisconsin Citizen-Based Monitoring Network

Final Comments Working Together

YOU! Thank You! Please help protect my home. U.W. Extension Link: W EPP – CITIZEN MONITORING NETWORK Richard Bong State Recreation Area