Www.jrc.ec.europa.eu Evidence-based scientific and technical support Cooperation with policy Directorates-General Sharing its know-how with the Member.


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Presentation transcript:

Evidence-based scientific and technical support Cooperation with policy Directorates-General Sharing its know-how with the Member States Geospatial data and geomatic: The keystones for the sound implementation of the European Common Agriculture Policy Philippe LOUDJANI, MARS (Monitoring Agricultural Resources) Unit DG Joint Research Centre Geospatial World Forum – Agriculture Rotterdam – 15 th May 2013

2 CAP expenditure and CAP reform path 7 Rural areas + 90% of EU territory From which 50% is farmed 8 million aid applications Total: € / year 40 Billions Direct aids 14 Billions Rural development Billion € (2007 constant prices) Source: DG Agriculture and Rural Development CAP = 0,3 € / EU citizen / day

3 To ensure that CAP funds are spent appropriately, Member State Authorities and the Commission services have to establish and apply appropriate management and control mechanisms. MARS Unit provides technical and scientific support for the implementation of the Common Agriculture Policy linked to direct payments (1 st CAP pillar) Management of Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) data (especially Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS)  Management of direct payments to farmers Control methods (On-The-Spot checks (OTS))  Control of direct payments Cross Compliance (Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAEC), Farm Advisory System (FAS), and ‘Greening’)  Conditions to receive direct payments Technical solutions mostly based on: Geospatial data and geomatic Technical support to CAP implementation

4 Agriculture Control Remote Sensing All farm parcels Pastures Olive treesCOP and SA Parcels of interest Before 2003 CAP reform = coupled payments Type of crop Cropped area Aerial images + several High Resolution images Then first VHR images (after 2000)

5 After 2003 CAP reform = decoupled payments EnvironmentAgriculture Control GAEC Remote Sensing Except few cases, VHR images needed (less and less HR images and Radar too coarse) All parcels Pastures Olive trees Farm COP and SA Parcels on slopes Parcels along river Landscape features Crop group Area Land maintenance Landscape elements

6 987xyz 1.23ha 123xyz 1.23ha 987xyz 1.23 ha Reference parcel (Administration) Use eligibility recorded officially Prevents Double Declaration Unique identifier Stable over time In IACS-GIS Land Parcel Identification System Acts as reference frame for Aid application Payment calculation Controlled object Locates land “Contracted” area in application Boundary stored in GIS Location in aid application Area officially known Use declared by farmer Area claimed by farmer 1.02ha May be unstable over time Digital Land Parcel System (LPIS) claimed parcel (Farmers) Since 2005 Based on Ortho imagery

8 million Farmers in 27 EU Member states Using 140 Million reference parcels uniquely identified Reference parcels superimposed on ortho imagery Digital Land Parcel System today 7

Check of area, land cover, crop cover, Good agri environmental conditions … Today: used by 25 Member States - 340,000 controls = 75% of total farm controls per Campaign year: some 400 control zones 800 High Resolution images km2 Very High Resolution data 7 million € satellite images purchased in 2012 on behalf of DG Agri Control with Remote Sensing Initiated end of 90’s 8

9 X 2,3 X 12,7 X 20,2 X 3,4 CwRS Campaigns overview

10 Area measurements GNSS and ortho images Device Expert Fuzzy borders According to Art.34(1) of R.1122/2009, MS shall use measurement tools that are “proven to assure measurement of quality at least equivalent to that required by applicable technical standard, as drawn up at Community level”. 10

11 GNSS devices validation Area measurement validation method Buffer tolerance validation method GNSS and Ortho imagery GNSS GNSS used in all 27 EU Member States for field measurement More than 6400 receivers !!!! 78 different GNSS devices/mode/method

12 CAP 2020 Increased VHR images need (at least 50 cm + maybe 3 D information) All parcels Pastures Olive trees Farm COP and SA Parcels on slopes Parcels along river forest Landscape features EnvironmentAgriculture Control GAEC Remote Sensing Greening Greening of the CAP (crop diversification, winter cover, permanent pasture …) More complex land use- land cover management Quantification Almost all areas to consider but urban Crop group Area Land maintenance EFA quantification EFAEFA

13 Work on implications of the new CAP regulation on: - the IACS (management system) - LPIS (parcel reference system) - OTS checks (control methods) Technical solutions more than ever based on Geospatial data and geomatic Proposed Horizontal Regulation “CAP Towards 2020” foresees continuation of CwRS as part of On The Spot Checks (also IACS and LPIS maintenance) Technical management of CAP 2020

14 Use of Geospatial data Support detailed characterization of rural landscapes Landscape features (location, type, area) Hedgerow Group of trees Isolated trees Pond Ancient monument … Land use / land cover (location, type, area) Crop type pasture Forest Permanent crop Fallow land Buffer strips … Eligibility of land 100% eligible (Study done by Ekotoxa, CZ) 14

15 Use of geospatial data … 3D view UAV image Automatic linear features extraction of VHR images

Provide relevant information to farmers (digital, paper) Increase awareness on Cross Compliance (Advice: FAS) Reduce risk of infringements Evaluate & monitor CAP impact on natural resources LPIS + Satellite imagery + additional GIS layers (Digital Elevation Model, …) Location of: Parcels in vulnerable zones, rivers and green cover buffer, features.. 3D view of rural landscape Most of themes derived from geospatial data Sound management of rural areas (LPIS as cornerstone) 16 Taking benefit of INSPIRE directive