"Magical Tour to Water World" Working meeting in Turkey
Water Sports Comenius activity no. 61 5th to 8th grade students got acquainted with varios water sports during their PE lessons. They have talked about the positive influence of water sports on human health. They have made a poster on the subject.
Field Research Comenius activity no. 62 7th and 8th graders have visited St. Martin Spa together with their PE and Maths teacher, where they have conducted a research on the influence of movement frequency on a physical status after water activities. Click to see the overview of the research and its results
Non-swimmers training Comenius activity no. 62 Maths and PE teachers have conducted a research concerning the non- swimmers training and the influence of the training on swimming skills of our students. The collected data were statistically processed and displayed by 8th graders and their Maths teacher. The non-swimmers training is organized every year for 3rd graders in all primary schools in Croatia and it last for 16 hours.
Non-swimmers training Comenius activity no. 62 IN OUT 2010/ / / /14 IN=input OUT=output Based on the initial swimming test, there are 5 categories of students at the beginning of non- swimmers training in Croatia: a non- swimmer, a floater, a half-swimmer, a beginner swimmer and a swimmer. For the purpose of easier presentation we have displayed those 5 categories in 3 basic categories: non-swimmer, half-swimmer and swimmer.
Non-swimmers training Comenius activity no. 62 IN OUT 2010/ / / /14 IN=input OUT=output The research data are related to the data that we've collected among our students with the Activities in and around water questionnaire. many of the 6th and 7th graders (who were 3rd graders in 2010 and 2011) have learned how to swim in the non-swimmers training (a higher percentage of non-swimmers at the beginning of training in those years) many of today's 5th graders did know how to swim or at least were half-swimmers before training (a lower percentage of non-swimmers at the beginning of training 2 years ago)
Non-swimmers training - conclusion Comenius activity no. 62 IN OUT 2010/ / / /14 IN=input OUT=output The ratio of swimmers at the beginning and at the end of the training shows that non- swimmer training is very efficient. Suggestion for further research: we have noticed that last year was again a higher percentage of non-swimmers at the beginning of training, especially in comparison with the previous year.
Safety rules at swimming pool Comenius activity no. 86 During a vist to St. Martin Spa, students from 7th and 8th grade talked to a lifegourd about safety rules in and around swimming pool. They took some photos and made digital posters. /safety-rules-4209/ /safety-rules-4209/
Pebble contest Comenius activity no. 64 1st to 4th graders and their teachers have visited a nerby pond. After observing the water-flora and fauna world, students also had some fun throwing pebbles in the water, listening to the sound of it and watching the waves they made… The most exciting moment was when throwing pebbles turned into a real competition. Those exciting moments were captured by photos and our 8th graders created a photo- comic. Click to view the photo- comic Pebble contest
Activities in and around water questionnaire Comenius activity no. 65 PE and Math teachers made a survey about sport activities in and around water. During September, a research was conducted among students from 5th to 8th grade. The collected data have been statistically processed and displayed. Click to see the overview of the survey and its results
World Fishing Competition Comenius activity no. 72 This year's World Fishing Competition was held in our county ( the city of Prelog, from 7th to 14th of September 2014 ). Our film group members have seen some competition activities and made a video-report combining own recorded materials with the materials of TV Srce (local TV). Click to view the video- report
Fishing comics Comenius activity no. 78 We have carried out a survey (activitiy 65.) on the number of our students who go fishing in their freetime. We got to know fishing as a sport discipline through watching the World Fishing Competition. 8th graders have, together with their Croatian and Art teachers, come up with short stories about fishing and made a comic (art techniques: ink and colour pencils). Click to view some of the students’ fishing comics
Didactic bord games As agreed on our last Comenius meeting in Spain, we have prepared two social/didactic games with questions on the subject of water: Jacques – Yves Cousteau game and Water based Ludo. We have used the boards made in earlier activities.