Living Together
A real life food chain A cheetah chases down and devours a zebra. The scene is not uncommon in Etosha, where the cycle of life, death, and birth has played out longer than any human can remember. In this situation, the cheetah is the predator, the animal that is eating, while the zebra is the prey, the animal being eaten.
Predators and prey comprise only a portion of what is commonly known as a food chain. A food chain explains how food energy is transferred between living things in an environment.
Every living thing in a food chain is either a producer or a consumer. Producers, such as plants, obtain energy from non-living sources, while consumers get their energy by consuming other living things. Every consumer is either a predator or prey.
Producers and Consumers Producers make their own food. Consumers eat other living things.
Animals that are hunted and eaten are called prey. Animals that do the hunting and eating are called predators.
Food Chain A food chain shows a direct link between an animal and the thing it eats and is eaten by.
Food Web A food web is a complex arrangement of food chains.
Figure it out! 1.The dog, boy, and squirrel all eat food. What are they called? Consumers 2. Are plants such as lettuce and carrots producers or consumers? Prodcuers producers consumers herbivore carnivore omnivore food chain food web predator prey decomposer
? ? ? Questions 3. What do you call an animal who eats only beef and chicken? Carnivore 4. What is an animal who eats only leaves, fruit, and nuts called? Herbivore producers consumers herbivore carnivore omnivore food chain food web predator prey decomposer
Questions ? ? ? 5. What is an animal who eats both fish and rice called? Omnivore 6. What do you call the tiny organism that causes dead plants and animals to crumble and rot? Decomposer producers consumers herbivore carnivore omnivore food chain food web predator prey decomposer